How to Remove Strong Glue From Clothing
Strong glue is strong stuff, especially when applied in its liquid hot state. While hot, it is able to wrap around and bond to the fibers in your clothes, making it extremely difficult to remove. But strong glue is removable with some simple steps that may need to be repeated if you want to be able to wear that piece of clothing again
Step 1Place clothing item in the freezer for a half-hour to 45 minutes; strong glue becomes brittle when it is cold. Using a spoon or knife, chip and scrape away at the glue. It usually will just pop off the surface of clothing.
Step 2You also can remove strong glue with an iron. Place a scrap of cotton fabric on an ironing board, then lay the piece of clothing on the cotton, glue side down. Apply a hot iron for 20 seconds to the spot. Remove the iron slowly, then peel away the cotton fabric from the clothing. Assess how much glue has been removed, then use another piece of scrap cotton to repeat the process until all of the glue has been transferred to cotton fabric pieces.
Step 3Try using acetone or an acetone-based nail polish remover to get strong glue off clothes. Check the label or test a small area of the clothing to check whether the acetone will damage the clothes color. If the tested area is unaffected by the acetone, began soaking the entire affected area. Use a clean cloth to remove the glue from the fabric as it breaks down. Repeat this process until glue is gone.
How to Remove Gorilla Glue From a Cotton Shirt
Step 1Wet the shirt with some water if the glue is still fresh. Use a rag to lift the glue up and off of the shirt. You should be able to get almost all of it this way. Then rinse out your rag and wet it again. Rub the area until the rest of the glue comes off of the cotton shirt.
Step 2Cut some tape and lay it over the dried Gorilla Glue spot. Pull the tape up quickly, and it will take some of the glue with it. This trick will work, but you will have to repeat the step many times. Each time a little more of the glue will come up.
Step 3Lay a paper towel over the dried Gorilla Glue spot. Place a spare T-shirt on top of the paper towel. Turn your iron on and iron over this spot for about 5 minutes. Lift up the extra shirt and then the paper towel and the glue should be on the paper towel instead of the shirt.
Step 4Pour some Goo Gone (see Resources) on an old rag. Work over the Gorilla Glue spot. Goo Gone will dissolve any type of glue, gum or sticky adhesive.
Step 5Place the shirt in the freezer for an hour or two. The glue will harden up and can then be scraped or picked off with a kitchen knife. This also works on gum that gets stuck to the bottom of your shoe.
Step 6Pour some lighter fluid over the glue spot. Let it sit and then rub it off with a dry rag. Immediately wash the cotton shirt with laundry detergent.