Is there an efficient way to rid our mattresses of bed bugs?
Ron Ron
2010-09-23 01:57:11 UTC
We've been having sleeping problems for a number of weeks and have come to discover that we have bed bugs in two sets of mattresses in our home. As far as we can tell, it's only a small infestation, and buying new sets of mattresses is simply not an option at the moment as we are short on money and trying to save for a car. We've read about routines we can put our mattresses through to help kill the bugs (washing with Lysol, drenching in hot water, letting the mattress dry in fresh air, contacting an exterminator, and washing out all of our clothes), but we want to know exactly what we can do right now to make sure we get rid of them, and what we need to do to make sure our furniture is safe. We've already lost a few nights of sleep and we're beginning to show up late to work and our 1 year old twins have begun to receive bite marks on their bodies. We are beginning to be stressed out and we really want to know what we can do. We appreciate any help we can get.
Nine answers:
Joshua H
2010-09-23 01:58:53 UTC
Tempurpedic. One of the best purchases I ever made.
Jeff G
2010-09-23 12:22:53 UTC
You do not have to throw our your mattress. I'd suggest doing the following:

1. Spray the mattress, box spring, bed frame and nearby furniture with a knockdown spray. I recommend Sterifab as it has some good independent research behind it. It is an alcohol based spray combined with a synthetic insecticide. The 1st resource is a link to an online vendor for it. The spray runs about $10 a bottle.

2. If you have a hand steamer and vacuum, before spraying, vacuum all the crevices of the mattress and box spring. then followup with the hand steamer. follow with the knock down spray

3. When dry, buy zippered encasings for both the mattress and box spring.

You do all of this, and you'll be bed bug free. As an extra step, I suggest using a good residual spray as well on nearby furniture, along the baseboards as well. In fact, I'd follow the full treatment protocol outlined in the attachment just to be safe, but that is your call.

Bed bugs spread fast. I'd suggest treating the entire room. You can do it for under $100 if you buy the right products, use mattress/box spring zippered covers etc. If you leave a comment on the the site I edit, I'll be glad to answer any questions you have regarding treatment.
2014-09-24 20:28:59 UTC
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2010-09-23 20:29:08 UTC
First, you need to purchase a product that is made specifically for killing bed bugs. Go to your local hardware store and ask. Then, you need to vacuum, vacuum, vacuum! Vacuum everything, mattress/box springs, top-bottom-sides in all the cracks and crevices, the floor in each room, the drapes, everything. Hit the heat registers and cold air ducts too. Once you are done vacuuming-immediately remove the bag from the vacuum, seal it in a plastic bag and take it out doors and seal it in a garbage bucket until trash pickup day or the trip to the dump or burn the darn thing if you can burn stuff in your area. Then spray, everything well with the bug killer. Each side of the mattress/box springs, carpeting, drapes, everything! Spray the room well and then leave, closing the door behind you. After a couple of hours, go back into the room and open windows to air it out. Vacuum again, throwing out the bag again. If there are any stuffed animals, seal them in plastic garbage bags and store them away for about 1 month. Wash all bedding in hot water. That is about all I can suggest. If you continue to have problems, you may have to call a professional to help you out. You can also contact your local Health Department and ask for their advice for killing the little beasties. Best of luck.
2016-06-02 01:55:20 UTC
Chuck it. I'm not saying that to be rude. But I don't think you realize what all it will take to get rid of those things. Plus bed bugs move from room to room so eventually they will be hitting your bed next. Also the only way I've known to actually fully get rid of them is an exterminator. So you'll have to ask yourself what will be cheaper, a new futon mattress or exterminating your house?
2010-09-23 06:36:53 UTC
go to the pet store and get some flea and tick powder or spray, i say powder cause it goes farther, any way spray or sprinkle it all over both sides of the beds even your box spring, try to lean your beds up against the wall then sprinkle or spray the carpet where your bed sits and all around it. it wouldn't hurt to sprinkle or spray the stuff on all the carpet or flooring in your bedroom and open the window if you have on to air it out. then close off the room for a day if you can maybe you could camp out on the living floor for one night and let they powder or spray do it's thing. then the next day go in there and vacuum your floor or carpet real good empty the vacuum then as you put each piece of bed back vacuum it. just be care full when you vacuum your box spring. and just so you know the flea and tick powder and spray doesn't say it works on bed bugs but it will work as long as you let it sit long enough. as a matter of fact the F.D.A. has not approved anything on the market for bed bugs. but my doctor said it works and it does. i'm not going to lie it isn't an easy job but $20.00 bucks and your time is a lot better then calling out bug company that will charge you hundreds of dollars and then tell you that there is more then just bed bugs. oh and one more thing you have to wash your pillows too, i just through our pillows out and bought new ones cause after i washed them they were all jacked up.
jump e
2010-09-23 03:39:35 UTC
Buy an insect room bomb from your local supermarket. Let the insect bomb off with the mattresses exposed and doors and winbows closed - wait 2 hours and then vaccuum the mattress and carpets to remove the dead bed bugs.
2010-09-23 02:00:37 UTC
yea that going around alot. that from the lack of changing your sheet oftern and a very old or use bed with dead skin. i heard you can smoke them out but they just goin to go from 1 mattress to the other. next time when you get new sets of beds. keep the plastic on them
Jenny C
2010-09-23 11:17:56 UTC
Hi, You can get bedbug mattress cover that will encase your mattress. The bedbugs will not be able to feed on you and eventually die.

Hope this helps.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.