What are some tips for cleaning out your refrigerator?
Yahoo Answers Team
2013-11-14 18:53:19 UTC
It's National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day! And this is the perfect time to make room for the inevitable leftovers that will come from Thanksgiving! Go ahead and show us a picture of your refrigerator, even if it's a disaster or super clean. We want to see it!

Best Answer and Best Picture may have a chance to win a brand new Yahoo logo t-shirt. Good luck!

*Post Pictures*
73 answers:
2013-11-14 18:56:56 UTC
I food shop and cook every day with fresh food . so the only food in my refrigerator is maybe butter, eggs., OJ , beer and what I buy that day. not much else.

Vacuuming under the refrigerator is very important in order for the refrigerator to work properly. more important perhaps than the inside
2013-11-17 22:02:30 UTC
For the freezer if not a automatic defroster.

Get three big towels shut down the refrig unload the frig then the freezer.

place the towels two of them in the freezer and put a pan of hot water in it close it for 20 minutes.

Any heavy buildup will drop off and just clean of the towels and dry the interior,

For the refrig unload remove shelves wash spray w/ warm water and windex.

Spray refrig w/windex wipe clean w/paper towels

Rewipe top and bottom air dry 15 minutes

reload freezer turn on both refill refrigerator.

vacuum under refrig and don't forget the seals and outside.
2013-11-16 14:19:53 UTC
Seems to me, I,m wipeing up little spills everyday. When I do the whole thing, usually once every three months, I do it when its almost empty. I also clean out the water catcher and the back and sides aswell. Now that the fridge is away from the walls, I clean them and the floor under the fridge. I use a bucket with dish soap.
Benthic Man
2013-11-18 03:17:19 UTC
This more a tip for Yahoo. I log on to Yahoo UK, here we do not celebrate Thanksgiving. Many of the questions asked on Answers require answers that are country specific and ther is currently no way of knowing where a questioner or respondent is located, can Yahoo get this sorted and no longer assume that if one speaks English one is an American?
2013-11-14 20:03:54 UTC
I can't post a picture here, but I will say that we rarely have leftovers because of the dog, the compost bin and relatives stopping by for dinner. No food waste here, and nothing sitting in the refrigerator for more than a day. But that fridge still needs to be wiped clean with warm water and vinegar now and then.
2013-11-18 02:10:38 UTC
1. Pre-Clean Dirty Culprits

2. Keep Things That Go Bad Easily Where You Can See Them

3. Put Dates on Stuff

4. Use that Baking Soda...
2013-11-17 21:16:25 UTC
i do not have a pic but when the flood happenned here in Calgary I was fortunate power was out for 7 days and a bit. I had to throw everything out take a bleach cleaner do it was disinfected. so I clean it every 6 months by the same process using clorex or fantastic.
2013-11-17 09:49:58 UTC
Organize, Organize and Organize! Put any cheeses and dairy products in the little drawer, fruits and veggies in the bigger drawers and jars on the top shelf and any boxed or cooked meals in the middle and bottom shelf. Any way you feel that it is the right way and always put stuff you use the most in the front for easy access and that you know you'll use on a daily or weekly basis.

Hope this helps :)
2013-11-18 01:09:57 UTC
give a break to the Refrigerator for a day .. preparing the menu by .. whats available in the refrigerator .. usually follows 'fifo' first in first out and 'doing the right thing first time' .. give no room to do the cleaning job....
2013-11-15 13:53:07 UTC
I do it in two parts. First I take out just the foods that are in the side doors and clean the side doors sections. I put the side door foods inside after I am done cleaning it. I wait until the next day to do the inside of the refrigerator. I take out all the foods on the inside of the refrigerator and clean the inside. That way, I minimize the amount of time the food has gone unrefrigerated. Repeat for the freezer.
2013-11-17 07:42:00 UTC
Read all condiments and if a month from expiration date throw out. Scrub shelves with a mixture of hot water and baking soda. Take out shelves if applicable and wash with hot water and dish soap. I do this once a month omitting the first step until necessary.
2013-11-16 11:08:38 UTC
Irish 313
2013-11-14 21:34:14 UTC
Get married.
2013-11-16 08:29:39 UTC
I always hire the Mexicans standing outside of the Home Depot. Some of them don't even charge money; they just charge a few leftovers from my refrigerator. It's a win-win. My refrigerator gets cleaned and I can get rid of unwanted food!
2013-11-17 01:20:52 UTC
We turn the power off, get rid of any loose bits of food that could be visable and then clean with bi.carbonate of soda and warm water.
2013-11-17 23:49:49 UTC
first open the door,2nd remove food stuff ,3rd press defrost botton,4th close the door,5th unplug the freeze and open the door again,6th clean the interior ,7th avoid using sharp edge object for cleaning,8th clean the exterior part,9th keep the door opened for drying,
Steven S
2013-11-17 07:02:14 UTC
Before saving any food ask yourself two questions. Will I want this again?and if so, how soon? If you do not like the idea of throwing food out do not fix so much because in most cases you end up throwing it out because it is old.
old lady
2013-11-16 16:48:17 UTC
Interesting that this item shows up on Yahoo Canada answers, as Canada's Thanksgiving was several weeks ago.......
2013-11-14 22:07:46 UTC
Good question! We like a salt and soda solution, unless it has gotten rotten somehow. Then we use a Clorox solution with water only. A nice ozone generator is good too. Some people even keep battery operated ones in the fridge.
2013-11-18 08:35:40 UTC
Wait, what? You're supposed to clean your refrigerator?
2013-11-17 18:26:06 UTC
you simply get more money, buy another refrigerator, and put some from the old one to the new one
2013-11-17 13:58:15 UTC
I try and clean my fridge from top to bottom once a week
2013-11-14 22:11:38 UTC
*Clean out your refrigerator day* OMG what has the world come too XD

PS:I'd say don't use knife or any pointed object to clean the ice of the above compartment.i did once.almost cost me 5000 rupees.any good multi surface cleaner works.
2013-11-18 14:10:32 UTC
First world problems.
2013-11-17 15:20:25 UTC
Warm water and bicarbonate of soda: it would pay to invest in a fridge deodoriser also.
2013-11-15 19:27:32 UTC
1- unplug the fridge

2- pull out all the shelves and drawers

3- using water only clean the inside the fridge and if you have steam machine ,would be perfect .

4- Clean the shelves and drawer in bath tub and dry them before re install .

5- Do not use any sharp object to scrap the ice or spot in the fridge .
2013-11-18 07:51:32 UTC
Our refrigerator
2013-11-15 01:15:22 UTC
By the way, we're Africans and our fridge doesn't have the luxury American foods that most Americans have. As a matter of fact, before I moved to America, we didn't have a refrigerator until 1997, when I was eight years old. Therefore I grew up without one and yes, it's true, life does go on without a refrigerator. Just eat your chickens as soon as they're killed, do the same with your goats, cows, etc. And we used to buy sodas and beers from the store and drank them while they were still cold. Also, we drank our milk straight from the cow.

Back to the topic at hand.

How do I clean our refrigerator?

I take all the food out, place it on a table. Then I take a sponge with soap in it and start washing inside. To rinse, I take a wet cloth with water in it and rinse the whole parts that I washed with soap. It's simple soap and water. Once it's dry (and it dries quickly, once I plug it back in) I put the food back in.

step by step instructions:

1. Unplug the refrigerator.

2. Take out all the food.

3. Take out all the racks.

4. Wash the inside with soap and water.

5. Wash the racks in the sink (rinse them too).

6. Rinse the inside with a wet cloth and warm water.

7. Turn the refrigerator back on.

8. After it's dry, put the racks back in.

9. Put the food back in.

10. You're done!
2013-11-14 22:46:37 UTC
Remove any fridge magnets on the door.

Set the fridge dial to zero, and switch off the mains supply.

Remove all the contents - wrap frozen food in a couple of clean carrier bags.

Remove the shelves.

Move the refridgerator to the middle of the kitchen.

Place a couple of bowls of boiled water in the ice box - use a couple of plastic lids under the bowls.

While the steam from the bowls melts the ice, clean the inside of the fridge using a mild detergent solution, and the shelves, including the tray that slides under the ice box if your fridge has one.

Only use the same cloth for cleaning the fridge, don't use any other cloth that has been used for cleaning other surfaces.

Using a piece of plastic, push the melting ice off from the ice box.

When finished, tilt the fridge slightly to run off any remaining melting ice.

Use paper kitchen towels to wipe dry all the surfaces.

Look out for any drips, and tilt the fridge again to run off any remaining melt water, and wipe again any areas that are still wet.

Clean the outside of the fridge, and the elements at the back, removing any dust.

When ready, move the fridge back to its normal place, switch on the mains plug, and set the fridge to a medium setting - not too high. Usually around 2 or 3 should be sufficient.

Place frozen food in the ice box first, then everything else on the shelves and the door shelves - eggs should be kept in their box on a main shelf.

Remove any water from the floor.
2013-11-14 20:02:03 UTC
our fridge/freezer is a short one and I try not to typically be responsible for cleaning and care of how stuff are put in it!!! however!!! when maria has cleaned it I see a load of water all over the floor where she turns it off first and the ice melts everywhere!!! and that's considered the normal way from her way of doing cleaning!!! I don't really like that much!!! I tend to avoid all arguments there and let her get on with it!!! saying that though about a couple of weeks ago for the first time I got the kitchen roll onto really dirty stains left on the inside where the food and drink is which is very off putting for someone whos not typically the right person to be doing so!!! sometimes I really have to cut in when my own cleaning levels in reason are being played with too much!!!
2013-11-16 01:31:07 UTC
Unplug the refrigerator and move it out from the wall carefully and slowly. For models with the coils on the back of the refrigerator, use the brush attachment to vacuum the coils. Some side by side and built-in models may have coils located behind a vent on the top, bottom or back of the refrigerator. Some models even have vents screwed on over the coils. On these models, you'll need to use a long narrow crevice attachment for your vacuum cleaner. Refer to your owner's manual for assistance. Put the refrigerator back and plug it back in.
2013-11-17 10:37:51 UTC
Elbow grease
2013-11-16 07:42:07 UTC
Empty out all stuff for 24 hrs and wipe it off by cleaning soda. Use tight containers needed to keep in fridge . Keep some odor absorbant stuff like charcoal kept in thin cotton cloth . That will absorb unwanted odor / smell .
2013-11-14 20:55:02 UTC
I make a caserole by throwing all of my leftovers into a tall, clear glass jar. I layer all the scrumptious decomposing food in layers like a cake.

Instructions: Preheat oven to 350. Grab all of the decaying food and layer it on. Put it all in!

Cook for 2 1/2 hrs. and then wait 15 minutes before serving. Bon apetito!

As for the refridge, dont let the caked on gunk go to waste! Scrape it with a car ice remover or any other scraper. Use it as playdough for your kids!
2013-11-18 01:54:00 UTC
you better go and look for this on some refrigerators forums..
alexandra M
2013-11-16 14:06:12 UTC
Always clean it with BAKING SODA, in warm warm .. dry with clean cloth.
2013-11-15 06:02:18 UTC
A thorough cleaning demands that the appliance be completely emptied and turned off. The shelving should be removed and cleaned separately. Dry the inside of the appliance, then wash thoroughly with a detergent solution, being careful to get into all the crevices, nooks and crannies. Rinse and dry thoroughly. Once dry, re-insert the shelves and it on. Let it sit empty for four hours, then you can begin storing foodstuffs that require refrigeration.

Some of our grandparents learned that in order to help keep down odor, one should place an opened box of baking soda on the back of one of the shelves, and replace it every six weeks. It does help, I've found.

I know, this sounds like a lot of work - and yes, it is. Anything less, however, just won't do.
2013-11-17 08:15:11 UTC
well, clean your refrigerator by your self or some one should clean it up for that fresh food will be kept with care........

Do know you can born your fat..........check it on this link or
2013-11-18 11:37:21 UTC
Keep plenty of refridgerant in it and drink them one can at a time:-)
2013-11-16 04:52:07 UTC
Never leave food to go off in the first place I did once and it was a nasty job in the veg section never again buy what you need not what you think you will need.
2013-11-15 09:17:54 UTC
I try to utilize the K.I.S.S. system ... Keep It Simple Stupid

1) Every time you open your fridge door to either take out something or put something in ... look around. If you see a smear, smudge, mess of any type clean it right then it only takes a minute or less as opposed to cleaning the whole fridge. Take everything out of fridge to clean the fridge itself at least once a month ... I prefer every couple of weeks.

2) Before putting anything in the fridge give it a quick clean up (bottles, jars, etc.) that way you know it's clean. Especially with mustard, catsup, mayonnaise, relish etc. Don't put it away with stuff around the lid, jar, or squeeze spout. It keeps things easier to open and use too.

3) When thawing out foods for dinner, place it in/on (storage container or plate) something to catch any liquids so it doesn't make a mess in the fridge.

4) If leftovers are not used up in a week, pitch them. Put a label with a date so you'll know when to get rid of things. Post It's are great for this. Keep them and pen handy at all times.

With that being said ... I clean out my fridge before I go grocery shopping for two reasons.

1) It's clean and organized when I get home so it's not a chore to put groceries away.

2) I know it's free of any unusable things taking up valuable space.

Hope this helps.
2013-11-14 19:19:16 UTC
Well, I will just tell the steps on how to clean a refrigerator.

1. Take all stuff (Foods, drinks, etc) out of refrigerator.

2. Unplug all cables so you can turn off the lights in the refrigerator, so it can be safer for you to clean refrigerator.

3. Then start cleaning refrigerator inside first, and then outside.

4. Dry the refrigerator out.

5. Put the stuff (Foods, drinks, etc) in refrigerator in organized way.

By the way, a person should clean their refrigerator at least once a week. That's my opinion.

Have a great day and I hope my answer helped.
2013-11-18 08:03:35 UTC
Easy, I dont buy sh*t I dont eat and I eat everything I buy - nothing to clean out. My fridge stays pretty empty.
2013-11-17 08:20:11 UTC
Eat the food!!
2013-11-15 09:55:47 UTC
Our only option to clean up our fridge is to eat the contents...although I'm not quite sure how yet!
2013-11-16 16:34:34 UTC
anything that's been in there for 6 month's or more - garbage
2013-11-17 01:29:18 UTC
wash with water
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2013-11-15 11:30:09 UTC
Make sure the door is wide open before "tipping" it over.

It gets emptied out fast.
2013-11-15 11:08:12 UTC
I will answer this question to make this website will recognized with me the long ago this question what is some tips for cleaning the refrigerator?My answer is the same CHARCOAL"Why because can lost the odor and bad odor
2013-11-15 17:18:27 UTC
Here is a video made just for tips on cleaning out your refrigerator!!! Click the Link!!!!
2013-11-16 19:23:38 UTC
Here, this video basically covers everything.
2013-11-15 18:28:57 UTC
My great grandmother invented refrigerators in 1550 when she accidentally mixed teflon, light bulbs, aluminum, and food together.
2013-11-15 19:22:44 UTC
Take everything out..and clean inside and out..
2013-11-15 09:01:45 UTC
Take everything out, throw out the old stuff, clean it, and put everything back. Use the Yahoo logo t-shirt as a cleaning rag.
2013-11-15 11:25:37 UTC
I clean mine with my steam cleaner after emptying an leaving it to thaw out
2013-11-14 23:44:05 UTC
Use Common Sense and do it!

No Sixth Sense needed!
2013-11-16 09:48:49 UTC
If you can't identify it, throw it away.
2013-11-15 14:20:53 UTC
For super-quick defrosting, use your hair-dryer. Works a treat !
Jibreel H
2013-11-15 15:39:42 UTC
clean everything inside of your refrig
2013-11-15 10:08:39 UTC
Defrost the ice normally, not with heavy tools.
River Euphrates
2013-11-18 03:50:57 UTC
Stay away from my fridge!
2013-11-15 18:13:53 UTC
My beautiful busty blue eyed blonde haired wife cleans the fridge...and she does a great my tip is marry well.
2013-11-15 19:09:32 UTC
I call my mom *hangs head in shame*
2013-11-14 22:39:06 UTC
Check expiration dates.. you will be surprised
2013-11-15 20:11:55 UTC
invite oprah winfrey over she will clean it out
2013-11-15 03:03:03 UTC
Best tip that worked for me: get rid of your fridge and only buy what you need each day. No hassle and quicker kitchen cleaning. Going Vegan means you don't need anything that needs refrigerating. It's true you never regret it.
2013-11-16 07:02:11 UTC
the best way to clean out your fridge is to have someone do it for you
2013-11-15 09:26:48 UTC
I find a flame thrower borrowed from a friend in the military very effective,
2013-11-15 00:24:35 UTC
Time yourself
K-Dawg Spartans Fan
2013-11-14 19:05:44 UTC
Don't do it when you're hungry.
2013-11-15 07:23:24 UTC
I live in Great Britain (U.K)

we don't have Thanksgiving

no thanksgiving leftover in our fridges

we don't all live in America

so get a grip

and get a life

and remember the world doesn't start and end on American shores

lecture over
2013-11-15 06:27:11 UTC
That's why God made wives.
2013-11-15 04:58:13 UTC
Buy a new one!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.