How can I get mould off of my bathroom door without damaging the paint?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
How can I get mould off of my bathroom door without damaging the paint?
344 answers:
2007-11-02 14:09:37 UTC
Everyone who has answered has a valid suggestion but you really need to kill the existing mold with a bleach/water solution (make sure you work in a well vetillated room because the bleach can hurt your lungs) AND you need to prevent the mold from coming back. The primer product Killz really works for prevention. You can even have the paint tinted saving an extra step of applying another coat of paint on top of the Killz.

Make sure you remove the fan vent cover and spray the bleach solution up the vent as well before replacing the cover.

I have a bathroom that is not well ventillated and the mold was terrific. I did what I suggested above and the mold has not come back. It has been 15 years since and not a sign of mold.
2007-11-02 13:55:58 UTC
First of all you should leave your door opend after a hot shower so that your bathroom airs out. Using an ounce of bleach to a gallon of water should do the trick ,just use a rag by dipping it in the mixture and depending on the severity of the mold; leave enough of the liquid in the rag to remove the mold and begin wiping the entire door. You may want to try using a Dehumidifier to remove the moisture after showering.
2007-11-02 15:06:10 UTC
I wouldn't be so worried about the paint. Mold can make you very very sick! At this point, the mold is living in your drywall. I had this problem in my apartment, and the ONLY way to get rid of it is the following:

You will need:

1 spray bottle

bleach & water solution (or Clorox Cleanup spray)

a can of Killz spray paint - I suggest white as a primer.

paint that matches your bathroom's current color

Remove items from your bathroom that may be affected by the chemicals (towels, toothbrushes, etc.)

Place a rag on the floor to soak up any solution/mold that may drip down.

Spray the area until it is saturated.

Keep your exhaust fan on, and your bathroom door shut. You won't want to be breathing in those fumes!

When the area has dried, spray it with 3-5 coats of Killz spray paint. This will "kill" any remaining mold, and will seal off the pores in your drywall, preventing further mold from growing.

Repaint the area to match your bathroom's color.

Don't hang your damp towels in a damp bathroom anymore. If you do, keep the exhaust fan on to remove moisture. You may want to drape the towels over the shower rod until they dry out.

Good luck!!
victoria c
2007-11-02 14:36:11 UTC
bleach and water would have probably taken it off but you should hang your towels in a rack where they can dry properly and are not directly touching the paint or wall so they can get air to them to get dry. Run your fan after showering and be sure to leave the door open so that the humidity can escape and evaporate.. if the whole bathroom is painted, I would recommend priming the whole thing with kilz (oil base) primer, and then use a semi-gloss that has a mildewcide added to it so that you don't have this problem in the future. I have been painting for 13 years and have seen this problem many times in small bathrooms. Hopefully it is small and will be easy for you to paint. Good Luck and Happy Painting
Maxine PantherFan
2007-11-02 19:01:15 UTC
What I would use would be ... vinegar & water with some baking soda. Works like a charm!
2007-11-02 14:47:20 UTC
Try white wine vinegar neat on a damp cloth rinse & after. It won't hurt to leave it for just a few minutes, pro to rinsing off. Mould also doesn't like bleach & water. Just a tiny drop of bleach in cold water ring your cloth out well & wipe your door down but make sure you wash your door after using just water luke warm & ring another cloth out till it's almost damp. Make sur the door is dry before hanging your towels back up. Other than that dry a different place for your towels to dry off before hanging them back on the door. I spread mine on the side of the bath before hanging up so the air gets to them. Hope this helps but please be careful.
2007-11-02 14:23:16 UTC
i agree with the one who said tilex!

i also use tilex mold & mildew remover in my bathroom and its really

working even without scrubbing it... just spray on the area where the molds are and leave it for a while....
sleep well
2007-11-04 02:31:03 UTC
First of all don't use bleach. It will discolour the paint on the door. Bleach, however, does rid your bathroom and other areas of mould. A very effective method is to use good old household baking soda with squeezed grapefruit and rub it on. It's natural and it won't effect the paint or woodwork.
2007-11-03 18:50:49 UTC
Use Borax mixed in water. This leaves no residue. Bleach kills mold but could also fade the paint. I suggest not using bleach.
2007-11-02 07:03:17 UTC
Spray the area with a dilution of bleach and water. That will kill the mold. Then get your cleaner and wipe gently. You're probably not going to save the paint.
2016-05-04 12:43:05 UTC
2007-11-04 14:06:30 UTC
Everyone has addressed the mold issue pretty well.

I think you need to look at your hooks. You should replace them with a rack that keeps the towels off the door so the towels can dry out without touching anything other than the rack or hooks that they are on. No room for towel rack? They make some nice double rod racks now that hold a number of towels. Ikea even has a folding rack which we use in our laundry room. When not in use, it folds up out of the way. this may not be practical if your bathroom door opens against a wall or cabinet.
2007-11-05 10:42:24 UTC
ok, everyone and their best friends brothers have been telling you to use bleach or tilex, but if you can get ahold of microban or shockwave or even sporicidin then you can save the paint on your door. The 3 i've listed are still considered "hazardous" but they are not as caustic as bleach (which is the active ingredient in tilex too if i remember correctly). i work in the fire/water/mold damage industry and those 3 are what we use when we are dealing with microbial growth/activity. as a civilian you may have a hard time obtaining those chemicals but there should be some supplier for the fire/water damage industry in your area that will have what you need. also, application alone will not solve your problem you will need to scrub (elbow grease) the affected area after application and the main thing is you need to solve the source of the problem (stop hanging wet towels on the back of the door) or it will reoccur. mold/mildew require certain things in order to grow (lack of light, lack of air movement, food source, humidity, temp.). I hope this helps, since i am not present to give you an exact answer by investigating it thoroughly and just going by what you've described here.

PS-most of the advice ive seen on here is at best...ignorant to bad. also, as far as mold goes, hardly anything will actually "kill" mold, your usually just trying to put it (the spores) in a dormant state. Sporicidin is about the only thing i know that will actually even kill the spores.
sharon p
2007-11-05 10:19:54 UTC
The best way to do this is buy the product mold and mildew cleaner it will takee off. The bathroom must have air circulating open a window sometimes. If no window make sure when you tak a shower turn on the fan to remove the moisture from the bathroom. Wipe down shower shower walls and door with your tub cleaner. This will keep the mildew and mold from retuning. You must stick with this regime if not you will have the mold return. Bleach will also kill the bacteria. Use a clean

towel or paper towels dilute with a warm soapy water. that will do it.
2007-11-04 13:55:44 UTC
yeah all the above is good for getting rid of it, but how do you keep it from coming back and why was it there anyway. If you have cleaned the surface before and soon it comes back, then what the real problem is ..........porous material. If it is wood then you should clean it, sand it down and lacquer it to seal the pores. Now no more mold or no more than any other surface you have. sanding isn't necessary but better to do. Even a spray acrylic will do the job. Just seal all the pores where mold can hide. Now when you wipe it down it will get everything. I know that you said it was painted but still you should be sure all surfaces are sealed and cleaned and dry as much as possible. Bleach does kill all germs and fungus.
2007-11-04 13:46:43 UTC
Try a mixture of bleach and water, in a spray bottle,maybe a 2 to 10 solution , let it sit for a few moments wipe and repeat for several days. You can replace the paint lost earlier w/ mold resistant paint. Make sure to check often for mold and use a vent fan while showering if you have one now that you have mold you'll want to monitor that area and if you hang towels back there don' keep the door totally against the wall while the towels are wet. Make sure to pour out the bleach and water and rinse the spray bottle it won't be good for anything but B & W so mark it like that.Or throw it away.
2007-11-04 20:24:00 UTC
If you want to keep the paint don't use bleach. Use Warm water with vinegar. You can try warm water with dish soap too, buy the antibacterial kind. Use those two separately. You have to scrub to get it off. If its just in a small area you can use a toothbrush (soft).

I personally would scrub it with vinegar and a hard bristle brush, the paint will come off, but that will get the mold off thoroughly. I would let it dry after that and then I'd just repaint the door. I would paint the door with mold resistant paint like kilz.

By the way, bleach is the worst to use on wood. Bleach gets into the patina of the wood and destroys it. Only use bleach, if you use bleach, on doors that are metal.
2007-11-04 12:20:52 UTC
You have the solution to get the mold of the door. either the Clorox bleach solution or the vinegar solution, will work. What puzzles me, is that you: "like to hang towels on hooks behind the bathroom door" What is to be done with wet towels, is that they go down the shoot, and doing the laundry should be next on the agenda ,of things to be done, so that mold will not accumulate on the door or in the Laundry room from wet towels. After the towels are dry they can be safely replaced in the Linen, or towel closet , preferably neatly folded. Have all family member clean and dry the bathroom after taking a bath or shower.
2007-11-03 22:32:17 UTC
One do not hang wet towels on back of door. If it is mold it is already ruined the paint. Need to kill the mold with clorox or something really strong, get it all of, then get a sealer paint that is mold resistant, the repaint the door. If it is the normal crappy hollow flimsy bathroom doors you might already have mold growing inside the door.

Use a hamper for your wet towels and once inawhile clean hamper very well using clorox. Some molds can be very dangerous. You can get a kit at either Homedepot or Lowes to find out what kinda mold it is...

Oh, try Moldex at HomeDepot or Lowes first. It might work. Not a bad idea to do the whole bathroom with it once in awhile as well.....
2007-11-04 15:08:06 UTC
make a 1 to 10 bleach solution. 1 part bleach to 10 parts water.

put in spray bottle and spritz away. May or may not save the paint but the mold will eat up the rest of the door if you don't take care of it now.

Plus mold can be the cause of allergies, illness and in rare forms of mold even death.

For prevent down the road.

Dry your towels over the shower curtain rod...or over the back of a chair in a more ventilated area of the house.

Clean the area frequently.

Air your bathroom out properly. Open a window or turn on the vent. (Your vent may need cleaning). I shut the door to my bathroom and turn on the vent! That way I do not loose heat in my house to air out the bathroom from the excess moisture.
2007-11-05 08:33:31 UTC
Forget the paint you can always repaint the door. Mold is very hazardous to you and your children can even be deadly. Use straight bleach to clean the mold no diluting at all and when doing so where a mask to cover your nose and mouth so you don't ingest any of it. Like I said if the bleach takes of the paint repaint the door. Rather do that than make the adults and children in your home very sick!!!!!!
komindie bos
2007-11-04 22:48:34 UTC
It sounds like he mould has probably damaged the paint already and so you will have to repaint anyway . (black mould gets in below the surface and "eats" into the paint and timber substrate). If not, all the advice you have been getting of applying a weak bleach/chlorine based solution is correct.

When repainting ensure the affected area is thoroughly stripped,cleaned and sanded. paint with an oil based paint (enamel), dryout your towels before hanging them, and ventilate your bathroom by leaving doors/windows open after showering. Wipe with a damp bleach soaked cloth once a week thereafter.
2007-11-04 21:02:47 UTC
Almost all non-abrasive bathroom tile cleaners will remove mould without removing paint. Bleach will remove mould, but use it sparingly because it is not suggested that you use bleach in an enclosed area .......What you need to do is eradicate the problem and I suggest you :

1. repaint (or stain) your bathroom door......enamel paint is mould resistant and cleans easily

2. stop hanging towels on the door hooks ........ the way to dry towels is for them to receive air from both sides .... the door is blocking one side .... I'm surprised your towels haven't gotten mildewed ...... get an indoor, clothes drying stand for under $15.00 and you will save yourself a lot of work and perhaps prevent health problems ....mould is a common allergen

3. or.........if you want to invest more money, install a fan in your bathroom to reduce moisture .

I learned this the hard way .......... I'm allergic to mould ....

Good Luck !
Susan R
2007-11-03 20:51:33 UTC
Put I/2 cup lemon juice or white vinegar in 32 ounce of water in a spray bottle; spray the area well and let set a few minutes and wipe dry. If the mold is deep or dark it might take several treatments. A capful of chlorine bleach in 32 oz. of water will remove the mold but it might harm the paint or any towels you hang up and I don't like the bleach because of the chemical smell and it causes my husband problems. Also if you can get Sol-U-Mel from Melaleuca it will kill the mold; I used it for a year and loved it because you could use it to clean anything without worry of ruining the surface but I couldn't afford it and had to find other means of cleaning without using harsh chemicals.
2007-11-05 10:15:41 UTC
I heard that that warm water and soap works just as well as bleach and water. But like what everyone else is saying, make sure your bathroom is aired out everytime people use the showers and maybe get something to cover the door where you all hang the towels.
2007-11-05 08:47:10 UTC
By EPA Standards, you need to get rid of both the door and the hook. At minimum, I would suggest getting rid of the hook and getting a new one, scraping the paint off behind the hook, cleaning it with bleach, and repainting it with a matching paint that has a chemical in it call M-1. M-1 will help prevent mold buildup and was designed for exteriors.
Michael K
2007-11-05 01:38:56 UTC
Uhh, lets get to the root of the problem.... Quit jerking off on the bathroom door, ok.. It's been a problem for me too unless you're jerking off in the towels first then hanging them on the door then I suggest you quit jerking off in the towels and build or hang a seperate towel rack. tip: Make sure if you are going to continue to jerk off in the towels, do not let them touch the walls, ok, this will be the last time I tell you this...because this could be a very sticky situation...Oh and another thing, wash your towels and keep them dry.... I hope I was able to answer your question!!!!
2007-11-04 03:29:32 UTC
Everyone has wonderful information on cleaning mold off of painted surfaces such as vinegar and water, and bleach and water solutions. The main concern is if there is mold showing up on the drywall you may have a bigger issue to deal with. If it is Black mold and a simple surface clean up will not take care of the real problem. You may want to do a search and read what information the U.S. EPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) has. For health reason I believe it would be a good idea.
Rocky Raccoon
2007-11-05 04:17:29 UTC
The mold has already damaged the paint by growing on it. Use the bleach or other strong product designed to remove mold and mildew. Seal the paint afterwards with a primer and repaint.

You might want to think about having a fan in your bathroom. Must be very damp in there.
Leslies quest
2007-11-03 20:58:58 UTC
Iv'e been a professional painter for many years now, and one of the best ways to kill mold, is always BLEACH!! You have to be careful though, you can't go spraying it on your wall full strength. It will definately eat away your paint. But most importantly, it will fry your lungs. You have to be very careful with bleach. It has toxic vapors, that in close quarters, can actually BURN your lungs......You won't know it's happened either until they get you to the hospital later...A good receipe I always follow is this: > A spray bottle with 1 part bleach to 5 parts warm water and a couple of drops of liquid dish soap. If your going to clean just a small area, spray the solution on a rag then wipe your wall, wait a few minutes, then wipe again and finally wipe once more with a wet rag of just water. AND MAKE SURE YOU HAVE WINDOWS OPEN FOR PLENTY OF VENTALATION! (If you can smell the fumes from the bleach, get out and come back about ten minutes later) or at least until they have disapated.!! If the bleach doesn't kill your mold...Or if your paint job is not that great...And can't handle the chemicals, there is one more thing to try...It's kinda like my secret weapon!! It works on EVERYTHING! Even leather! Go to the grocery store and buy yourself a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. I swear by these things! Always test before you jump all in, but they have never let me down..They are the best kept secret out there! Just follow the directions and then imidiately follow with a dry rag(It helps to not transfer the dirt from location to location). Good luck!
2007-11-05 18:22:27 UTC
We had mold in our bathroom. The Menards paint supervisor told us to do the following:

1 - kill the mold with a 50 / 50 bleach and water.

2 - take a shellac product to seal the mold into the wall

3 - then paint with a gloss paint to finish the walls.

Good luck
2007-11-05 14:38:23 UTC
I agree with those who say to use bleach/water or Tilex. (even though I have not used the Tilex on the walls) I use Tilex all the time in the shower. No scrubbing. Use the kiltz too afterwards. Then if you want to continue hanging the towels there you should try this. Get a clear acrylic sheet of plastic to hang under where the towels hang or use a clear sheet of thin plastic(like a drop cloth) and just use push pins to keep the sheet up. I know someone who does this where her mops hang in the utility room because of the moisture and dirt.
2007-11-05 11:52:34 UTC
You will never see this answer because there are so many, but you need to hang your towels somewhere else in your bathroom where there is more air, or you will keep getting mold. Bleach will kill mold, but the paint might be already weakened and damaged from th emold.
2007-11-05 03:07:31 UTC
Do NOT use bleach it doesn't work. Go online to Home Depot [since you can't get this in their stores] and buy Moldex...see if this works better for you. The key here is you want to kill the mold once and for all rather than simply "remove stains" while the mold will just grow back again. Check this out.

"Moldex™ is an EPA registered disinfectant, sanitizer and one-step cleaner labeled specifically for fungal disinfecting and water damage restoration. Moldex™ disinfectant cleaner is also approved for Hospital disinfection, cleaning and sanitizing purposes. Moldex™ is available in 32oz. ready-to-use spray,1 Gallon and 5 Gallon quantities. Moldex™ may be used for industrial or household applications. Moldex™ contains no bleach - No Ammonia - and is non-corrosive"

Good luck! :)
2007-11-04 19:51:22 UTC
I have spoke with professional mold removers n the subject. Of course bleach kills only surface mold and probably damage paint. It is recommended by the pros to use a paste made from borax and water. Borax is 20 Mule Team found in most grocery store laundry detergent shelves. It is most use full for penetrating cement block walls or any cement walls of foundations because it will penetrate into the porous material to eradicate deeply the mold where as Clorox bleach will only kill the surface mold. This will take care of it.
2007-11-05 14:15:33 UTC
Honestly, if it was me i would call a company like service master or clean pro... My uncle is a manager at service master and i have heard horror stories! The damage might be a little more extensive then you realize. The paint would be the least of my worries with a mold problem. Keep in mind some types of mold can be very toxic. Just my two cents... hope it helps!
2007-11-05 05:11:45 UTC
This is soooo obvious....DON'T hang wet towels behind the door....Fold loosely and pop into the airing cupboard. OR failing that, open a window and hang the towels over the curtain rail to dry. If you have a shower curtain with a gap between the top of the rail and ceiling, hang the towels over that. OR if it's a nice day, put them in the garden. OR simply put them in the laundry basket for washing.....DON'T put them straight into to tumble dryer because you will make a nasty smell......Do you have a radiator? buy a hanger and put them over the rails.......
2007-11-04 23:20:56 UTC
Are you referring to mold?

Use a quarter cup of bleach in a gallon of water and wipe down the surface. allow to set for five minutes and re-wipe area as necessary. Always wipe down or spray down surfaces to be painted with a bleach solution. Do not rinse. This will prevent mold from growing underneath your fresh paint. If there is no visible mold, reduce the bleach by half.

Be sure to have proper ventilation for the room such as windows open, doors open, immediately after showers/baths and if possible install a bath fan of proper size for the room to prevent the two problems - mold on the walls, surfaces, etc. and mold spores on the towels you use on your body (mold spread by contact to your skin).
2007-11-02 21:21:10 UTC
I think the reason your paint was coming off was not really due to the scrubbing of the mold that you were doing, I think that the wet towels were putting so much moister on your door that it was making your paint "bubble" so when you did use your cleaning solution it was going to peel your paint off when you used friction in the rubbing process when you were trying to wash your door. You will need to wash your door with a bleach water solution then prime it with kilz t hen base coat it the color you choose then find a new home for your towels. The moister from your towels is tearing up your bathroom door. Do you have enough room in your bathroom for a coat tree? A coat tree would be a good place to hang your families damp towels on so the air can circulate around the towels and help them dry with out the towels being up aganist the door or a wall where there is no ventilation. If when you wash the mold off of your door you find that you aren't able to get all of the mold because it might be deep into the wood, just do a light sanding with a medium grit sandpaper before you kilz. If you don't have enough room for a coat tree you might want to hang them over your shower curtain rod. Not as attractive as the coat tree. Maybe someone else will have a unique idea for hanging the towels for you. Good luck. DO you have ventilation in your bathroom? Maybe if you put a fan in there and direct it at your towels for a few minutes while you are getting ready that might help them to dry quicker.
2007-11-03 21:12:29 UTC

Why is mold growing in my home?

Molds are part of the natural environment. Outdoors, molds play a part in nature by breaking down dead organic matter such as fallen leaves and dead trees, but indoors, mold growth should be avoided. Molds reproduce by means of tiny spores; the spores are invisible to the naked eye and float through outdoor and indoor air. Mold may begin growing indoors when mold spores land on surfaces that are wet. There are many types of mold, and none of them will grow without water or moisture.

Mildew Remover: These are strong toxics and are suspected carcinogens.

Solution: Mold can generally be removed from hard surfaces by wiping or scrubbing with water and detergent. Always follow the cleaning instructions on product labels. Surfaces cleaned by damp wiping should be dried quickly and thoroughly
2007-11-05 14:37:41 UTC
You DO NOT need harsh chemicals. Just mix a solution of Hydrogen Peroxide, Lemon Juice, and White Vinegar in a spray bottle in equal amounts. No microorganism can live in that acidic enviroment. Just make sure you have a fan or some ventalation going. If the vinegar is to strong for your nose, cut it back with the peroxide a bit. Its especially good for getting mold out of your shower and it's eco-friendly
Cat Lady
2007-11-04 12:19:19 UTC
Use Clorox bathroom spray cleaner. Wear old clothes, the product can leave bleach spots on your clothing.

Hang a towel rack in your bathroom to hang the towels. And, change your towels three times a week.

Also, keep your bathroom window open slightly, year round. This helps alleviate moisture, which contributes to mold.
2007-11-04 12:05:29 UTC
looks like you have lots of suggestions on how to clean off the door . just do the best you can. it dosent matter if you can't get it all off. get a clean dry surface, prime with 1 -2-3 primer, or fast prime ,, made by zinser. available at most home inprovement stores. finish with perma white brand paint , also made by zinser. comes in white & can be tinted. it's mildew resistent up to 5 years. hint ;; stop hanging really wet towels on the hook. damp ones should be okay.
Maria W
2007-11-04 18:32:18 UTC
Spray it carefully with Tilex mold and mildew remover. Make sure you ventilate the room. Let it soak in for a few minutes and then wipe it down with a clean white cloth. This contain bleach so be very careful not to get it on your clothes or anything around the door. You may have to repeat this process, but it should work. Good Luck!
2007-11-04 12:14:37 UTC
In the case of mold, just get rid of the door. It better to replace it, then to try to get it off. Also, stop hanging your towels over the door.

I always wash my towels after every use.
someone else
2007-11-04 07:00:37 UTC
depending on the size of the mould, if it is big then use big towels and soak them in diluted bleach, then place the soaked towel over the area over the night, the mould will be gone the next day. If the area is not too big , then use a piece of gauze or paper towel instead.
Lori N
2007-11-05 10:06:49 UTC
Yuo really need to paint it, use a gloss, this will also seal in the mold. May try some "kitz" on it before painting. Can buy in a spray can so its easy.

By putting gloss paint you can go back and spray clorax bath cleaner if it happens again. Won't cost much. Maybe $3.00 of kilz and $5.00 for small

paint can.
2007-11-05 09:47:46 UTC
A mixture of bleach/ammonia/water...later use Killz (paint/mold paint). If u have condensation, which u most probably have; try 2 crack the bathroom window when taking a shower, that way all the moisture scapes. PS: Use a mask when applying the mixture.
2007-11-05 06:36:01 UTC
Go to Home Depot or a Lowe's. They have a new chemical that was invented after katrina to rid the houses of Mold and Mildew without damaging the paint underneith.
2007-11-03 14:50:36 UTC
Chances are the paint is the thing molding. if this is the case there is nothing you can do to save the paint.

You can check by using things to clean the paint. Always use the strongest thing you can. in accordance to the kind of paint and mold removal.

Varnish: is Ok to use bleach (i would use a strong mix)

Oil base paint bleach is fine to but use less of a mix.

Latex: (witch mold loves) (and since cleaner took it off i am pretty sure it is latex) Bleach will kill the paint so use something else

(i would say Use white vinegar or lemon juice full strength, with small amount of salt).

after you get the mold out: go over the paint with a magic eraser (you can get at walmart) to clean the spots out of the paint.

If the mold went to far into the paint I am sorry there is no way to save the paint. in this case use bleach for the mold. than sand paper (80 grit) to sand it smooth spot check it with kills. sand again. than paint. (if you learned your lessen you will chose mildew resistant paint or get an additive to mix in to the paint.)
2007-11-04 12:41:13 UTC
Try the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser. It cleans many things without damage to the original surface. It is also great on textured surfaces like the small grooves on the refrigerator door.
Joan Sandverysmart
2007-11-04 06:54:08 UTC
Look for a cleaning solution that can be used on all

surfaces, and here's some suggestion also,

"Awesome cleaner" it's sold in the Family dollar stores

for $1.00 and takes out anything anywhere, just use

a soft cloth and rub off instead of scrub, then there's

Tilex Mildew! in a spray bottle also sold in groceries

and Wal-Mart.
AC Slater
2007-11-04 00:30:04 UTC
Easy way to do this.

One, bleach water solution added with known mold killers. Scrub and spray.

Let dry.


Now that you have this done and looking good temporarily, go figure out what the problem is. The ROOT of the problem.

Fix it before the mold comes back which could be a few months.

Your home is too moist obviously.

You can also invest in a DEHUMIDIFIER.

This will suck the moisture out of the air. Alot of people in hot moist humid states have these.....

Good day to you sir....
2007-11-03 21:34:42 UTC
Here's a substance to try that will not harm paint. White Vinegar....Yes, Vinegar is an acidic liquid which will kill the mold and enable you to get rid of it. Use it full strength. Pour some into a clean, never-used spray bottle. Spray, let it sit, spray again and rub across it with a non-abrasive sponge.

Just to let you know. Vinegar is highly useful as an inexpensive, versatile cleaner. AND, unless you scrub too hard, it won't take off your pain. You can research the many uses of vinegar on the Internet. It is cheap, non-toxic, versatile....what's not to love!!!
2014-06-11 20:49:07 UTC
There are speciality anti mould sprays and paintsavailable from major d.i.y. stores,but cleaning as described will get rid of the problem which can be eradicated with good ventilation a nd heating,not unlike the cure for dust mites,hope this helps.
2007-11-03 13:34:15 UTC
There's a very inexpensive product that you can buy at any 99 cent store called "Awesome" it's in a semi-clear white looking bottle with red lettering. The solution is yellow in color in it and is safe for paint and many other things. Believe me it works wonders! I use it for almost anything and everything. The place I moved into had mold along the tub edging, with a little of that and a child's soft tooth brush got rid of it and it never returned. The best 99 cents I ever spent in my life! It's also safe which makes me even happier.
2007-11-03 10:36:20 UTC
Then you need to paint the door with bath and kitchen paint with a primer first. That is the first step of prevention. The next is to have a spray bottle clearly marked BLEACH and use it to clean every so often, use 10% bleach to water. This prevents mold and once the right paint is on, it won't wash right off with this solution. You can also use the brown bottle Lysol product to clean, it does the same thing. All surfaces need to be sprayed with Lysol spray just tp prevent molds and fungus in tubs and damp areas. To prevent Athlete's feet spray your shoes with it and it will kill those fungi also. Good luck.
2014-08-17 07:45:34 UTC
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It has almost 20.000 woodworking plans and you have a CAD/DWG software to view and edit the plans. You have step-by-step instructions with photos and high quality blueprints and schematics. If you are a beginner this is the easiest way to start your woodworking projects, and if you already have experience you can anyway find a lot of interesting ideas!

Hope you will enjoy it :)
2007-11-03 14:12:26 UTC
I have heard tilex works well ,but you may also have another problem and that wetness of some sort behind your walls which will have to fix with something called "kilz" I think that's the way it's spelled go to somewhere preferably a hardware store like "Lowes" and ask someone in plumbing for help . Also with the other problem there is "Tilex" that will remove the mold but if it keeps coming back then you will need to do this other thing above that i mentioned . Good luck .
Jessica L
2007-11-05 11:53:26 UTC
put straight bleach in asquirt bottle with hot water, spray, wipe,thenwash as normalthen drythe areacompletelyif you ever-paint the room again,buy and add some mildewside to the paint and stir it very well,temporarly you couldtape some clear plastic to thewallin the area that the towels are coming in contact with the wall
2007-11-05 04:07:30 UTC
Sanox, by Conklin, it is the greatest, doesnt have the fumes bleach does, although Clorox is good, this kills all germs...It is about 10.00 a bottle, but when diluted 8:1 in a spray bottle it last forecer,,,,, I swear by this stuff. I work with developmentally disable and alot of them drool, wet their pants etc. This stuff cleans it all, and there is smell. If there was blood on a table and they are HIV positive, it would kill that virus too, heppatitus also...You may spend a wee bit more, but isnt your family and yourself worth it????
2007-11-04 17:46:59 UTC
Use bleach and water to clean the area. After it is dry, paint with Kiltz paint, which prevents mold and mildew from forming. I bought mine at a hardware store. They can advise you. There are also some pretty good mold and mildew cleaners on the market, but bleach and water work just as well.
Tiger Lily
2007-11-03 04:24:54 UTC
Make a paste with white vinegar and Bi-carbonate of soda (baking soda) then rub it on the wall. Leave for a few minutes then wipe clean with a damp cloth.

Its safe but as long as you are hanging yur towels there the problem will never go away. Why not dry the towels over a chair outside before hanging it behind the door.

A hassle but worth a try! Good luck
2007-11-05 14:14:26 UTC
sorry i cant help u on actually TAKING the mold off but i can tell u something VERY VERY important! when you take a shower and you HAVE to keep the bathroom door shut so noone can see u then AFTER you take the shower leave the door open so that the air can flow. the reason why the molds grow is cuz its so humid and moist! so keep ur bathroom well aired out!! :D
2007-11-04 20:40:21 UTC
Make a small solution of bleach and water and wipe with a soft cloth or sponge. Let dry. Repaint the area, or door, with a coat a paint that contains mold and mildew repellant.
2007-11-04 19:41:59 UTC
Mix 1/4 bleach to 3/4 water and spray on door. Let sit a minute and wipe off.
2007-11-04 10:59:01 UTC
Mr Clean Magic Eraser
2007-11-03 07:02:50 UTC
Here is a remedy the bread making companies use to use.

Use rubber gloves, strong solution of bleach and water clean entire area when it's dry wipe it down with white vinegar to prevent it's return. This method is/was used for rope and mold.

It's should not ruin the paint if it's good paint. You don't have to scrub it, just wipe it off making sure it's all been removed.

If I were you I would clean it as above then buy a can of KILZ, paint it, then paint your regular color. Make sure if you need water based or oil based KILZ.

You might want to read up on the different types of mold.
2007-11-05 09:34:35 UTC
im afraid there is no way to get rid of mould without damaging the paint. the only way to get rid of the mould is to strip the paint by sanding down the door and then you can coat it in a special substnce whic prevents mould from breeding (or whatever it does) which you can get in b&q or any other hardware store let that dry and then paint it. good luck
Always curious.
2007-11-05 08:50:35 UTC
Spray the door with Tilex and let it set for a while, then gently wipe it down with a wet sponge. The tilex will kill all the mold. You might need to do this every month or so to keep the mildew down.
2007-11-04 17:36:41 UTC
Sugar soap... you find it in you local hardware place... it's the best for cleaning anything off walls and it doesn't damage the paint like most things do.... I'd advise to not use bleach as it discolors the paint in the area that you used it in.
2007-11-04 15:41:21 UTC
There is a new product that works really well, I'm not real sure if it will work on painted surfaces, I used it on brick trim and threw the bottle away after. There is a web site you can go to for more info. it's 100%natural and no bleach or harsh chemicals.
Your #1 fan
2007-11-04 09:02:17 UTC
Very simple. 4 parts clorox to 1 part water. Spray it on and rub it in. Let it dry over about 24 hours and then wipe it up. Take your cleaner and go over the bleach and your home free. Check a few layers below in a small space as mold can grow into walls to make sure you got it all
Kelly P
2007-11-04 06:07:43 UTC
I keep a spray bottle of bleach and water in the bathroom to spray in the shower after use. If your bathroom door is latex paint, oil or water based, A weak bleach solution will not hurt it and it should kill the mold no broblem.
2007-11-03 05:01:04 UTC
Well bleach/water will clean the mold away, or any bathroom cleaner or just plain soap and water. I hate to say it though, but its a myth that bleach kills the mold, it doesn't. You need to take out the cause of the mold, or use an anti mold paint additive and repaint the door. Check out this website, it might help.
2014-09-29 18:28:56 UTC
In the event that you are searching for woodworking plans you can discover a huge number of woodworking plans on this website ( ) It's the perfect result in the event that you are simply starting with woodworking and also in case that you have already experience with it. You can discover a ton of woodworking arrangements and you will have the capacity to deal with the projects with a CAD/DWG software. It permits you to alter the projects and to alter the arragements.if you are a beginner this is a great approach to start. It's the best approach to woodworking; and on the off chance that you already have experience you will discover a considerable measure of plans and inspirations to improve your capabilities with woodwork.
2014-07-22 22:50:00 UTC
You should read Laura Jefferson’s book "Skin Whitening At Home" ( I saw it's also available in electronic format +video: ). After 8 weeks I managed to get my skin a few tones whiter and I also got rid of freckles.

The method she teaches in her book is natural, inexpensive, and is readily available in most homes. You could even find some ingredients in your own backyard. The most wonderful thing about the method she shares in her book is that it will help you whiten or lighten your skin pigmentations, freckles, age spots, acne marks, dark underarms, melasma, or your overall skin color easily and naturally without breaking your bank or producing dangerous side effects. Good Luck!
2007-11-05 12:57:43 UTC
Wash it with a milk soaked sponge or soft cloth. The enzymes in milk annihilate mold. This also works on moldy leather and molded baby clothes and colored towels or delicate clothing (soak clothing that can't be bleached in milk for a few hours then wash as usual). This is a terrific tip for those who have allergies to strong cleaners.
2007-11-03 17:43:03 UTC
A solution of 5 parts water and one part bleach sprayed on and left for a few minutes and then wiped off with a dry paper towel will do it.
2007-11-05 02:58:57 UTC
short sweet and to the point Mildew Root

I use it and i have yet to destroy any of my paint.. just spray it on let it sit a while and wipe it off no scrubbing should be required. then if you want to spend a few extra dollars.. repaint your door with a latex or out door paint, and put a deck moisture seal on it... should help protect a bit more.. .Good luck i know its a frustrating job
stephen c
2007-11-04 08:34:58 UTC
mix equal parts of vinegar,wasing up liquis and salt and gently rub with a scouring sponge until removed;then dry with a clean cloth.There are speciality anti mould sprays and paintsavailable from major d.i.y. stores,but cleaning as described will get rid of the problem which can be eradicated with good ventilation a nd heating,not unlike the cure for dust mites,hope this helps.
2007-11-03 11:25:37 UTC this question. i have been having mold issues in my apt for ages. i finally went on line and found a solution. plain old fashioned water and vinegar. shower with the door open (my bathroom is old and has zero ventilation) I used the water/vinegar solution and it looked as though they (the maintenance ppl had spackled over the mold in layers. it fell off after i let the solution sit for a bit. but I like the suggestions of others on here and am going to try the Killz stuff to try and keep it at bay.
2007-11-03 09:26:26 UTC
We hang out towels on the wall and notice small black specks.

I've used bleach mixed with water, and it seems to work, but it does smear the paint a bit (not take it off but smear it around). Then again, we were also painting at the time, so we painted over it anyway.
2007-11-02 21:53:45 UTC
Use vinegar. It should remove the mold and the stains as well. If you can bu double-strenght vinegar (used mostly for pickling and making sauerkraut rather than as a flavoring) do so, it has twice the mold-killing acid. Do not use bleach, as it will cause horrible fumes, is not environmentally friendly, and may cause paint discoloration. Use the plain white vinegar, the cheapest you can find, its chemically all the same.
2016-05-01 07:36:56 UTC
If you are planning to start on your woodworking project, this isn't something you should use, it's something that you would be insane not to. Go here

Truth is, I've been a carpenter for almost 36 years, and I haven't found anything like this for less than 10's of thousands of dollars.
Baby Girl
2007-11-05 09:31:38 UTC
Use shout it is supposed 2 b 4 clothes but u can get mold off walls without damaging paint.
2007-11-05 00:11:38 UTC
Well I'm not really involved in house keeping..hee hee my mum far as I know she puts bleach on it and then she applies those anti-mould stuff on it ( itz called Bam! here)

and puts a cloth on it for about an hour...then u should wash it out with cold water and there u go!.....a clean and unmouldy bathroom.
Mom of 4
2007-11-04 09:33:04 UTC
Clorox Clean-up! It is the best thing ever, we used when we had mold on some painted drywall in the basement, took it right off. No damage to the wall or paint!
Ernie G
2007-11-03 22:39:35 UTC
Believe it or not, listerine will remove mildrew...won't harm the paint either!...Bleach works well also but it might damage the paint..In any case, just try a sample first in a small spot to see what happens to the paint...
2007-11-02 21:46:06 UTC
Well first you should remove the mold with diluted bleach and warm water in a well ventilated area. Don't leave it on too long because bleach does ruin wood. This may ruin the paint so you will have to repaint the door. Also, you seem like you have poor ventilation in the bathroom and the mold will keep coming back until you fix it. these are a few suggestion. try turning on the ventilation fan when showering or install one. you can keep a window open while showering or leave the door open. good luck
2007-11-02 20:46:20 UTC
The best answer I can give you is straight vinegar. spray it on, let it sit 10-15 minutes, then wipe off. you may have to do this 2 or 3 times, to be effective. It should'nt harm the paint. For bad cases, use 1 part bleach to 4 parts water. Better to re-paint than to have mold.
2007-11-04 22:31:19 UTC
I've had this problem, well simmilar. I just used bleach and nothing else and got rid of it. But you might need to wear gloves and use a sponge and lightly put it on. You can also mix bleach with water. That works also and wont damage the paint.
Coma White
2007-11-04 11:06:39 UTC
you have to use bleach to kill the mold. You can't save the paint, you are going to have to repaint it. When you do repaint, use killz premium primer, this helps prevent mildew and mold buildup. I would also go with a satin finish paint in the bathroom, it will be much easier to clean and keep clean than a matte finish would be.
2007-11-03 16:30:11 UTC
mold will be killed by bleach.

Paint is cheap. Mold can kill you - not joking or exaggerating.

Use bleach diluted with water then buy a bit of paint for the door. In 20 years from now when you cant breath and have lung cancer you would have wished you spent the cash on a gallon of paint.
2007-11-05 11:42:52 UTC
bleach/water scrub real good, but it is smelly and messy; try vinegar/water scrub real good. my grandma told me of an old cleaning that her mom used to get gid of mold, it takes time though even months. my great grandma used to take cloves, the baking ones, this is expensive; but it did work for me. i used vinegar/water scrub real good let it dry. then took cleaning cloth put some cloves in it smashed them to get the clove juice spread it on the spot, i had to do this several times before i seen some resluts. yes you will have to paint. best suggestion is to replace the bathroom door.
2007-11-05 07:17:57 UTC
Try using hot water and bleach. This will not take the paint of your door.
2014-09-19 20:17:42 UTC
Mold can generally be removed from hard surfaces by wiping or scrubbing with water and detergent. Always follow the cleaning instructions on product labels. Surfaces cleaned by damp wiping should be dried quickly and thoroughly
2007-11-05 12:23:25 UTC
use the Mr. Clean magic sponge. This thing is awsome, it will clean anything off of walls and doors, and it wont damage the paint at all. All you need is the sponge and wet it. It took red crayon marks and black smug marks off my walls and you cant even see where it was!!!
2014-06-28 15:37:42 UTC
When the area has dried, spray it with 3-5 coats of Killz spray paint. This will "kill" any remaining mold, and will seal off the pores in your drywall, preventing further mold from growing.
2014-07-15 10:22:50 UTC
An oldie but a goodie! Count the cows you see on your side of the car. If you pass a cemetery on your side of the car, you lose all your cows, but only if the opposing team calls "your cows are buried!". This game gets interesting when distraction tactics are used to either cause your opponent to miss cows on their side of the road or to miss a cemetery on your side of the road. Add a bonus like a colored horse or a rare bird. The team with the most cows wins.
Denise R
2007-11-05 14:20:48 UTC
threes only one sure way and its been around for years vinegar and water with a splash of beach ,a all in a squirt bottle and it works wonders and the vinegar kills the mold and the bleach brightens the paint ,hope it helps i know it works here i use it and I'm in Washington where its wet all the time .... good luck to you.
Becky J
2007-11-05 09:51:00 UTC
Bleach and water. Repaint with a paint made for bathrooms.
2007-11-03 16:49:03 UTC
I would use a product called microban (you can get it at your local cleaning supply place like cleaning supply network) it is a fungicide mildewcide bactercide etc. it takes care of most problems like that without the harmfull effects of bleach and then you just gently clean it with a mild soap and warm water solution after the microban has dried
2007-11-03 11:17:20 UTC
Use a spray bottle and mix equal parts of water and bleach together and spray it on the door where ever there is mold, wipe off the mold and then let it dry.

Make sure to cover the area on the floor so that it doesn't drip on the floor or on to any carpet area. This should kill the mold and you can repeat this process at any time if you should need to do so.
Felma Roel S
2007-11-02 21:05:50 UTC
Mould is caused by fungus, a very persistent organism that sticks under the skins of everything. You can remove mould from your bathroom door by using a high power liquid bleach with water. Since moulds thrive in moists, your bathroom door should always be dry. You probably just have to repaint.
2007-11-05 14:48:17 UTC
Here's the easiest (and elbow-grease free) method.


Get a Mr. Clean magic eraser ... it works wonders!

They're only like $2.00 at the store.

Good luck!
2007-11-05 06:26:20 UTC
Use vinegar only for cleaning. Also don't use a flat paint in the bathroom area , use gloss or semi gloss paint
2007-11-04 10:01:18 UTC
Sounds like you haven't enough air circulation in your bathroom. Bleach is a good way to kill mold, a product called X 14 sold in most stores is for killing mold. I use it with no problem. Will also take mold out of white clothes.
2007-11-04 03:04:37 UTC
get some germ killing thing and spray it on the door them wipe gently you might need to put paint on again if you are not careful then to stop the mold coming back let a gentle breeze come throw a window once a day
2007-11-03 23:02:02 UTC
Dont use bleach, it's too harsh. Get some pool chlorine (it works better than bleach), mix 1 part chlorine to about 10 parts water. The mould shouldn't return.
2007-11-03 07:35:37 UTC
Is the door that cheap thin wood? If so, just replace it.

If the door actually has some real value to it, then spray it with 70-30 water/bleach (to keep the bleach smell from being to strong).

If however, the door is really bad with mold, or has many grooves or scratches with mold, remove the door, sand it down, reseal the door with a good water-proofing.

In effect, you kill two birds with one stone, you seal the door to keep mold out of the wood and presumming you get a colored sealant, a new paint job!
2007-11-03 05:27:12 UTC
First stop hanging damp towels on your door. Then paint over it. you can't save the paint when you treat a door witm mold and mildew remover.
Button Man
2007-11-05 13:05:31 UTC
Put a 50/50 water and clorox bleach mixture in a spray bottle

spray on and let it dry, no need to rinse.


Just received another thought.. Try 50/50 Proxide & water mix.
2007-11-05 04:54:51 UTC
Not too difficult, use a solution of bleach and water. The bleach will kill the mold and scheduled cleaning with this solution will inhibit it's return.
Nick Z
2007-11-05 00:23:36 UTC
I used to own and run a painting company, and we would use Bio-Clean to take care of mold problems. It is extremely environmentally and pet friendly, as well as effective. Here is the website:
Big Bear
2007-11-04 00:59:00 UTC
Yep-a solution of bleach and water should work. That's what I use to get rid of it in my basement and it works great, especially for that moldy smell.

Then hang a piece of clear plastic over the door to avoid the problem in the future. You can buy clear shower liners that would work great.
2007-11-03 21:34:43 UTC
2007-11-04 16:22:07 UTC
Use bleach!

I have the same thing where I hang my used face cloth in the morning. I use bleach and an old toothbrush. It goes away but as long as you keep your towel there it will keep comming back
Phyllis C
2007-11-05 03:36:13 UTC
Tilex Mold & Mildew remover works, and so should a bleach solution on a soft cloth Just don't use anything that is abrasive.
2007-11-04 13:42:47 UTC
the best way to kill and clean up mold is to use bleach mixed in water . it won't strip the paint because you wont have to scrub. if your door is painted with a flat paint [ that is it's not shiny] you should paint it with at least a semi-gloss paint. flat paint soils very easily and is more difficult to wipe clean.
2007-11-03 22:02:31 UTC
try mixing some white vinager and dish soap together and soak with a washcloth for a minute or so and it should come right off! if it doesnt baking soda and water mixed into a thin paste apply wait 5 minutes then rub off... if all else fails scrub that crap off of there and if the paint comes off then just re-paint it! he,he! just a few helpful tips i learned..... check to see if the" queen of clean", has a web site, also... she really knows her stuff!
2007-11-03 14:58:30 UTC
Seems to me that you may also have mildew too.

MOLDWASH® is an EPA approved professional strength mold and mildew remover/cleaner for all surfaces. ....For use over interior and exterior mildew and mold contaminated surfaces. It is ideal to use over all types of new untreated or previously painted surfaces. It can be used in bathroom, kitchen, basement and all interior and exterior areas.

If you now have the need to repaint -

Use a mold inhibitors which can be added to paints.
2007-11-04 14:08:48 UTC
Use the Mr.Clean Magic Erasers Those work great and don't take the paint of your door.
2007-11-03 18:24:05 UTC
We have inspections every 6 mos. They tell us to use a clorox cleaner.

I use something like a swiffer and a rag to get all the out-of-reach areas. It has done wonders for me.

You may want to look into a restroom fan that moves more air too.
2007-11-04 20:02:22 UTC
If you have mold on your door you are probably going to want to repaint anyways. But I would just use some sort of bleach or antibacterial cleaning product.
2007-11-04 16:35:06 UTC
If you do not like harsh CHemicals and the smell. I would Use White vinegar. Just dab it on with a rag and leave it. Then rise off Gently.
2007-11-04 14:53:16 UTC
If you decide to paint over it, clean with bleach first and have a mold&mildew blocker put into the paint before painting.
Ruby Jane
2007-11-03 22:15:14 UTC
A weak solution of bleach and warm water will do the trick.You may have to do this a couple of times ,but it will get rid of the mould.
2007-11-03 19:08:36 UTC
Take 30or 35 percent peroxide, mix it 50% water, 50% peroxide. Spray it on, wait an hour, and spray again. No rinsing necessary. If mold remains, spray again in two days. Do not use hydrogen peroxide on colored grout.
2007-11-03 06:38:51 UTC
Mix bleach and warm water, about 50/50 and use a soft cloth to wipe the bleach mixture on the mold. Wait 2 or 3 minutes then wipe off with warm water.
2007-11-02 21:35:03 UTC
Use a bleach and water solution I use this all the time to clean every thing in my bathroom with I mix 1 cup of clorox to 2 gallons of water and I use a cleaning cloth to wipe down everything (I wear gloves I have sensitive skin and this tends to dry my hands out profusely and I get uticaria ( hives) on my hands if I don't) then after I thoroughly wipe everything down with the bleach mixture then I mix up some hot soapy (ajax antibacterial) water solution and then wipe everything down again with that and then I allow every thing to dry before placing things back into thier place. Also if you have a window in your bathroom keep it cracked about 1 inch or wherever the first notch is on your seal. And keep it like that year round. And this WILL NOT harm any type of paint! Also you can buy really nice looking towel racks at wal-mart or any kind of home improvement store and I would install one of thoes in your bathroom so that you can drape your towel on it instead of the door so that the towel can dry quickly and evenly and then that way you won't be drying off with mold and mildew that settles in thoes form hanging them on the door where they don't get proper ventilation to dry and this is also a big contributor to why you have so much mold on the door because you hang a wet towel on the door and then the door gets wet from thoes and isn't able to breathe therefore thats why you have the mold problem on the door to begin with. Trust me I used to do this until some one that I know who cleans homes for a living told me this. Another thing for you to know is if your towels aren't able to properly have the ventilation to dry evenly and they set up the bacteria that causes mold and mildew in them then when you reuse the towel your actually putting that bacteria all over yourself which defeats the purpose of even showering to get clean you may as well just be drying off with dirt because you won't be clean any longer after your towel sets up bacteria in it. I'm so shocked you haven't gotten sick from this Please take my advise and make these changes before you or your house hold members do eventually become ill from this.
2007-11-05 11:26:21 UTC
there is a cleaning aid called mould and mildew,if you spray it on the effected area with a damp cloth it will just wipe off and wont harm your paint work,depending on how bad it is.
2007-11-04 10:34:52 UTC
Yes, there is help. Unfortunately I do not know the name of the product,but you can call a hardware store's paint department. They will be able to tell you the name. I heard about this on a Home Improvement program last spring.

Good Luck.
2007-11-05 10:47:32 UTC
Sometimes a steamer will remove your mould problem:

Vacuum Cleaners & Steam Cleaners - HEPA devices for IAQ concerns

Vacuum Cleaner & Steam Cleaner - Advice from an IAQ Investigator: These devices are used as household (or professional) cleaning tools for environments with high levels of settled dust containing allergens, mold, etc. One can not fix an allergen or mold problem by vacuuming, but one might be able to reduce the particle load in your air by careful cleaning. A wide range of HEPA-filter vacuum cleaners and HEPA vacuum cleaner bags is now on the market, all of which are likely to be of some help. Beware: some particles such as certain toxic mold spores (Penicillium/Aspergillus, for example) are so small (1-2 microns) that ordinary household vacuum cleaners simply aerosolize them, making you suffer more not less. As we get reports of products people like some of them will be listed here, but any web search will turn up many more hits. Read the product literature carefully as machines vary widely in cost, in ease of cleaning, noise level, effectiveness, as well as sometimes unpleasant and high-pressure salesmanship such as is found at our local Poughkeepsie New York Main Street vacuum cleaner dealer.

Ultimately, no amount of vacuuming wall to wall carpets indoors will eliminate an allergen or mold problem. To my clients who have asthma, allergies, or other respiratory concerns I recommend elimination of wall to wall carpets entirely. However even with all carpets out of a home, housecleaning of dusty surfaces is still needed. A HEPA vacuum cleaner can help in this task, but check the unit that interests you for leaks and blow-by since even if the filter is HEPA rated, if the cleaner leaks it's stirring up unwanted particles. I'd also compare not only purchase cost but ease and cost of bag or filter cleaning or replacement.

What does "HEPA" mean? HEPA is an acronym for 'High Efficiency Particulate Air'. HEPA filters originated in the 1940's, and HEPA became a registered trademark. A HEPA� filter should remove least 99.97% of ultra-fine particulates such as dust, animal dander, smoke, mold and other allergens that are down to 0.3 microns, from the air. Since the smallest indoor mold spores are around 1 micron, they pass right through ordinary filters and vacuum cleaners - vacuuming in a moldy environment using the wrong equipment can make matters worse!

The Allergy Buyers Club offers a comparison of HEPA vacuum cleaners but I don't think they've evaluated them for leakage.

Ecosteam (UK) produces a range of home and commercial high-quality steamers

Electrolux (U.S.) sells excellent HEPA vacuum cleaners, though IMHO a bit pricey. For a client I tested wall to wall carpeting before and after vacuuming with an Electrolux vacuum cleaner. In the lab microscope I could see a significant reduction in particle debris levels in my own lab instrument vacuum of carpet samples.

Fogacci steam vapor machine (allergen control), The Home Environmental Co. 184 Bedford St., Lexington MA 02173 617-862-CURE 617-861-6251 fax

Miele - makes excellent HEPA vacuum cleaners.

Nilfisk -

Orek makes HEPA vacuum cleaners.

Kirby makes a high-end HEPA-rated vac

Saeco steam cleaner/vacuum $599. See Real Goods - the eco product co-op.
2007-11-05 09:34:19 UTC
You can buy it at wal-mart and it is in a green bottle and is called Lime Away. This I Promise works SOoooo Great. It DOES NOT hurt your walls, paint, ot tiles. Hope this helps.
2007-11-04 14:05:44 UTC
Bleach and water, scrub, and then a mildew bathroom paint primer, along with a fresh coat of paint should do it.

We don't always like the answer we hear/read
2007-11-04 12:28:30 UTC
Use a good Mold/mildew cleaner and a Mr. Clean magic eraser...
2007-11-03 14:37:01 UTC
If I ever encounter mold I use bleach and that using works, just a cleaner with bleach usually is good. But if you have to sand the area and repaint its not that bad. Good Luck
2007-11-04 01:21:47 UTC
Hey, i love painting so i wouldnt stop damaging the paint cos then when the mould is gone u can paint ur door new, doesnt that sound great?? :D
2007-11-03 21:24:23 UTC
first off that is a very unhealthy habit for the towels as you can get the mould spore in you body and lungs, please stop, the way to get mould off is to wash the wall with straight bleach to kill the spore, you may have to paint it with an anti mould paint
2007-11-03 15:02:21 UTC
1/2 cup Baking soda, 3 Tbl spoons vinigar, and the juices of 1 full lemon or lime...Mix all together in a larger bowl of at least 4 quart size, let foam as you gently stir, and then let sit 10 minutes. then apply with a rag / cloth in GENTLE circular motions, and gently wipe clean.
2007-11-05 16:04:19 UTC
use 1/10th chlorox bleach with 9/10ths water in a spray bottle. spray on only let sit for a few seconds. sponge off with very wet plain water sponge. then dry with paper towel or lint free towel. always use only chlorox brand no other brand.
2007-11-05 09:40:57 UTC
2007-11-05 07:48:01 UTC
Try Vital Oxide for safe green cleaning of mold and mildew. See
2007-11-05 05:37:23 UTC
Go to an inexpensive store and buy mildew remover. It will do the trick. I commend you on your efforts to get it right. That effort can be applied to all walks of life. Good luck and be happy/
William N
2007-11-04 14:22:00 UTC
You can get a mold killer at any hardware store. There are several types might ask someone there to help you get the best one for the job.
thom t
2007-11-04 13:27:13 UTC
Cheapest and best: Concentrated laundry bleach will remove it instantly. Wear rubber gloves, as it is very caustic. You can then wipe it dwn with a damp cloth. Same goes for shower recesses, anywhere it is damp. Do it regularly and it will prevent it coming back.
frank w
2007-11-03 21:41:14 UTC
bleach does not kill mold i know i live in an apartment building filled with mold and the goverment here dont do anything about it unless you get a kit that kills mold but you better use proper ventilation or you will get sick from the fumes
ab dominance
2007-11-03 17:49:00 UTC
only hot water and bleach will kill mold. dilute 4 to 1, and leave the window open or you could pass out. make sure u get plenty of fresh air.

(never add bleach and amonia together, it will suffocate you in seconds.)

ps. towel should be left outside to dry; or over a bar or flat above a safe heat source in winter. this will keep moisture out of the house, and keep air quality up.
2007-11-02 21:15:14 UTC
The bleach solution really works, but I would also try ventilating the bathroom after showers, and re painting the door with a glossier paint that is easier to clean and not so susceptible to mold.
2007-11-05 01:14:14 UTC
ajax in cream form - white bottle really inexpensive about 60p per bottle it removes everything but not the paint, its brilliant really i love it! However try and erradicate the true cause of the problem first - is you room well ventilated?
2007-11-04 18:25:40 UTC
use Lysol mold remover with bleache, it doesn't damage the paint and takes it right off, i have 5 kids and it works on anything! wet clothing and stuff is left all over! it works every where on everything and damages nothing!!
2007-11-04 08:51:35 UTC
use paint specifically designed to use in high humid areas.. and.. why do you wait for mold before you clean?

keep the area dry and no mold will form. mold eats into paint. when you see mold, it's too late
Miss Rhonda
2007-11-05 08:21:00 UTC
spray bleach, soak the door, let it dry for a few days, then put kilz on it and repaint..... you wont get mold anymore, you will keep getting mold unless you put kilz on it, it comes in a paint form or a spray can....
2007-11-05 04:05:35 UTC
spray it with white vinegar and let stand for 30-45 mins. then wipe clean with a wet cloth.

bleach will kill the mold temporarily; vinegar permanently!

did it at home and it works fine.

un cliente curioso
2007-11-04 22:54:38 UTC
next time try to use 1 spoon of Clorox and 10 of cold water. don't rub thee solution on the door. just wet some piece of rag (white rag) lightly touch the spot with th rag. wait for a few minutes. If it is mould it will eventually disappear. please use rubber gloves.
2007-11-04 16:17:37 UTC
1- Wipe it off with clorox or bleach.

It you have to paint the door go to the paint store and buy a product called modew-rid and mix it with paint.
Andy P
2007-11-03 21:12:23 UTC
If you have black mold, thats bad. Try bleach and water. If that does not work, dump the door and get a new one. you don't want the mold to spread. and you don't want to breathe that in.
2007-11-04 10:37:17 UTC
spray it with solution of (hot) bleach and water then clean it off with a rang, to prevent more mold do that at least once a week and turn on the exaust fan.
teena p
2007-11-04 01:39:18 UTC
you need to re-paint black mold can make you very sick, cause major acne break-outs and even has killed small pets. ask ed mcmahon who lost his little schnauser to black mold...bleach and paint r the only way to get rid of it. throw away the towels. id put my towel somewhere else...
2007-11-05 11:53:28 UTC
1 part bleach to 10 parts water wash and dry
Ken H
2007-11-05 07:49:20 UTC
Mold is a fungus. It won't go away and will keep spreading until you kill it. Bleach will do it, or there are many chemicals to do it without harmful to kids and pets.
2007-11-04 16:44:15 UTC
You can clean the door with bleach and water mixed together.
Ricky H
2007-11-04 10:08:38 UTC
the black stuff is mold. bleach will kill the mold and mildew. The next time you paint your bathroom, Sherwin Williams makes a mold and mildew resistant paint.
2007-11-04 07:02:44 UTC
Bleach mixed 1:9, Lysol mixed double strength
Graham M
2007-11-04 13:46:34 UTC
if the substance is black mold (which seems likely)

you'll be lucky if all you have to sacrifice is the paint.

The door itself might be a lost cause already.
2007-11-03 20:17:52 UTC
The only way to remove mold is with Clorox bleach, soap and hot water.
2007-11-03 13:11:04 UTC
Take a can 79cent comet, you can pick that up at any grocery store and dilute it, 1 part comet by 10 parts water. This will get mold off and should not damage your paint, given that it's a water base paint.
2007-11-05 14:52:30 UTC
x-14 and a sponge. Then clean off residue with clean water and a sponge. Waaallah!
2007-11-04 19:01:55 UTC
Try the product " The Works"
2007-11-04 13:05:28 UTC

You have to scrib it all with bleach. I did it twice. Then you have to underpaint all with BIN, a paint that mold can not come back through. Then you have to paint it with what regular paint you want.

If you don't do this, is will keep coming back.
2007-11-04 01:51:48 UTC
either clean the mold with bleach or bam and fix the paint, or just find a new way
Nick S
2007-11-04 12:04:18 UTC
place the door outside, the suns uv light will kill the mold. Mold needs a dark wet place for this reason.
Grape Stomper
2007-11-03 17:25:27 UTC
Black mold is BAD. To hell with the paint, thats not the least of your worries!
2007-11-03 15:13:45 UTC
dude, mold can take the paint off all most anything i don't thing the cleanser took the plaint off your door i thing it was the mold it self.
curious gal
2007-11-05 12:10:44 UTC
User bleach water first to clean it. Let it dry completely and then if you need to repaint, use a good primer (Kilz is EXCELLENT!) and then repaint your door.
dalia m
2007-11-04 08:37:39 UTC
You shouldn’t do any thing, just have to call the specialist, this is the only way to avoid damaging the paint, trust me @
2007-11-03 21:57:58 UTC
Buy Clorox Cleanup Spray and spray away. It shouldn't fade the paint or anything, and it will kill the mold.
2007-11-02 21:28:48 UTC
Mold must be rid of.

Paint is a minor thing. In fact it is best you repaint so it is all gone.

Also use a dehumidifier to rid molds.
2007-11-05 14:34:21 UTC
Spray some weak bleach on it and let is stand dont rub just pad it dry.
2007-11-04 13:43:52 UTC
Mr.Clean Magic Eraser =]
Phil the Yahoo! Answers Master
2007-11-03 11:26:13 UTC
Get Oxy Clean
Kurtis G
2007-11-03 07:59:55 UTC
"Scout" has the most complete correct answer with 1 hitch. Never use tint in Killz. It can (and usually does) kill the enzymes that make Killz the wonderful product that it is!
2007-11-05 12:46:03 UTC
use bleach

then hang a towl rack on the wall, they stick out a bit and will keep the wet towel from touching it. they are pretty cheap.
2007-11-05 11:36:06 UTC
Use bleach. It gets rid of the mold.
2007-11-05 09:11:40 UTC
you can borrow the black fluid that came out of my teeth when i got my wooden grill. The doctor said that it has a compound that is acidic, which is a very strong cleaning agent.
2007-11-04 02:19:17 UTC
apply a product available in super markets in the cleaning isle called EXIT MOULD
2007-11-02 20:09:26 UTC
Bleach is going to be your best bet. They have special paint for areas like the bathroom, when you get a chance I would try to repaint with that - or get a prefab door, which is essentially plastic and you should be able to wipe it down.
2007-11-04 14:58:26 UTC
I had mold real bad at my old apartment and I used Tilex with warm water and a sponge and it never came back.
2007-11-04 05:41:18 UTC
well u can use a little bleach and water or if u don't want to use anything like that .......use Mr cleans magic eraser it works awesome and only uses water. u can get this at any store, target, walmart ect.
Dr. Thunder
2007-11-05 13:18:39 UTC
I'd recommend BAM! spray. Woohoo! BAM and the mold is gone!
Antwan M aka Lebron #23
2007-11-05 09:48:18 UTC
put the towels on a hook and you wont half to worry
2007-11-05 08:59:00 UTC
spray on a bleach / water mixture to kill the mold.... then paint over it with kiltz.... then re-paint your favorite color...

so, no easy fixes for mold... it is a job to get it gone...
2007-11-04 12:10:12 UTC
Im not sure how well it works..

But i know that Hydrogen Peroxide

will kill the mold. I dont really know

if it will spare you your paint! =]
2007-11-04 01:04:41 UTC
I got some industrial bleach and nearly caused me to pass out, but it did the trick.
2007-11-03 17:13:27 UTC
I think the Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and water and clorox will do the trick too.
2007-11-03 10:49:37 UTC
Spray the area with a dilution of bleach and water. That will kill the mold.
2007-11-02 20:38:44 UTC
you probably can't. The mold will penetrate the paint and you can only get the roots of the mold out with drastic action.
2007-11-05 09:37:30 UTC
easy!!! just go to home depot and buy a new door and throw the old moldy one away! even better, use the old moldy door for firewood for a huge bonfire
2007-11-05 07:01:53 UTC
use mr muscle , one spray and in a few mintues you can just rinse the mold off but im in sinapore so i don't know if you guys have it
2007-11-04 06:27:58 UTC
What you need to do is dilute bleach into some water then use that diluted bleach water to wipe the door.It always works for me.
2014-08-15 05:49:57 UTC
If you are looking for woodworking plans,

try to look here

Good Bye
2007-11-04 04:23:39 UTC
Lick it off

Wont Damage the paint.
2007-11-04 01:57:11 UTC
paint the door black and you wont see the mould
2007-11-03 01:22:54 UTC
Buy a new door......mold is not good for you at all. You may think you are getting rid of it by simply wiping it down but that is just covering it up. just replace the door. It is cheaper and safer for you to do that.
Azalia P
2007-11-05 07:30:53 UTC
Try mixing vinegar and water and apply it with a sponge.
2007-11-04 23:05:06 UTC
Bleach is awesome with mold!
2007-11-03 20:34:10 UTC
Use Dawn dish soap. Mix it with warm water and just wash it off.
2007-11-05 06:33:17 UTC
replace the door. it's hard to get rid of mold.
2007-11-04 19:55:04 UTC
Methilated spirit
2007-11-04 08:37:17 UTC
clorox cleanup would have done the job-looks like you need a new place to hang your towels!
2007-11-02 22:23:12 UTC
Tilex works really well for my bath room. You can get it at any supermarket. Also keep the bathroom floor as dry as possible. So when you finish taking a shower dry up the floor and the shower wall. Good Luck.
2007-11-03 23:26:26 UTC
use bleach put in an spray bottle then spray net bleach then wipe down damp cloth it should come off
2007-11-03 11:14:03 UTC
right, first of all you need... 1 a flame thrower. 2 alot of petrol, 3 a fire proof suit.

OK this is what you do. pour the petrol on the door, switch the flame gun on, make sure you have your suit on, and walaa, you have no mould on your bathroom door =)
2007-11-04 17:46:34 UTC
um, maybe the "Mr. Clean Magic Eraser"?

Well, I think that is more permanent markers/paint/etc. but it might work...
2007-11-04 10:15:43 UTC
Use one of the product from Oxiclean

I hope that answer your question
2007-11-04 08:26:07 UTC
Magic Erasers -----this wont take off paint and should work----it works on everything I have tried!
Jimmy Jones
2007-11-03 21:19:17 UTC
If you have mold on your door, you should probably replace the door
2007-11-03 14:53:58 UTC
Spray bleach on the mold!
Veronica S
2007-11-05 12:15:15 UTC
Blegghhh...get a new door.
2007-11-05 09:30:10 UTC
Try using warm water with baking soda.
2007-11-05 13:09:48 UTC
use muriatic acid to do it...then scrub it thoroughly....

i bet preventing molds from appearing would be a better idea...

so if you have time during shower, clean your bathroom....
2007-11-04 20:44:56 UTC
get the mildew and stain remover in your Wallmart or grocery store. Spray and wipe .it will come clean.
2007-11-04 10:08:35 UTC
stop hanging the towels there
2007-11-03 23:44:42 UTC
There is nothing like Clorox Cleanup to take care of the job everytime!!!!!!!!
2007-11-04 16:49:46 UTC
Bleach would work.

And i think my mother uses vinegar for that sort of thing. I don't know if that really works, though.
2007-11-04 14:47:09 UTC
Have you ever heard of Melaleuca? Try their product Sol-U-Mel.
2007-11-03 20:59:00 UTC
Vinegar is a natural,inexpensive way to fight mold. I would suggest white vinegar,not apple cider vinegar.
2007-11-03 00:53:40 UTC
Maybe u shud try using Sodium bi carbonate solution and try wiping it off just c if that works, else try vinegar and if all that doesn't work then try squeezing lemon in oil and then with a cloth try to rub the mould off. Prolly things shud be alrite.
2007-11-02 20:00:41 UTC
put a mix of bleach and water in a spray bottle and spray the door. let it sit for a while then wipe it off. the bleach will kill the mold.
2007-11-04 19:39:54 UTC
You can never entirely eradicate mold. Sorry.
2007-11-02 20:02:32 UTC
depending on the type of paint one of the best things to remove mold I have found is a diluted mix of bleach and water. try that like half bleach and half water spray on and let set for a minute then wipe off.
2007-11-04 16:28:04 UTC
use a mild bleach and hot water solution about every tree weeks,that should take care of it.
2007-11-04 08:51:54 UTC
try using a mixture of bleach and water in a spray bottle..
2007-11-03 21:31:06 UTC
either use killz or resolve. first put some warm water on the door.
2007-11-03 19:53:07 UTC
be careful were you put your hands when you open the door ok that how you wont ruin the paint
2007-11-03 15:21:50 UTC
“Growth can also develop under the film and cause loss of adhesion.”

Wash mildewed areas with a solution of one part household bleach and three parts water
2007-11-03 05:45:09 UTC
well why dont you try this nif your door is painted this will help

get vaseline and rub it against the black substance keep rubing and adding vaseline till it goes it migt sound stupid but iv tried it so take ma word
2007-11-04 07:46:25 UTC
get a new door
Jesse N
2007-11-03 21:59:47 UTC
soak a rag with straight clorox and then wipe the mole off...then take a dry rag and dry it off
Di T
2007-11-03 00:17:41 UTC
A wet cloth dipped in baking soda makes a mild abrasive that

will not harm painted surfaces.
Curiosity Rules!
2007-11-02 22:25:32 UTC
mold growing in the bathroom must be treated with bleach its bad for kids and the your bathroom properly ventilated if not try cracking a window a little to ley the steam out.

Some commercial products with bleach kill mold and shouldnt harm paint
2007-11-03 19:55:05 UTC
Try a solution of diluted bleach, and if that doesn't work Murphy's oil soap.
2007-11-03 09:20:28 UTC
Try using kaboom and leave it there for about 5 min. And keep doing that every day so it wont come again
2007-11-02 21:17:30 UTC
I would say water with clorox. But if you dont want to try that, use the magic eraser by mr clean. it works really might get it off. But I know that mold is taken off with clorox..I had mold inm my shower, on the wall-and it took it off!
joe s
2007-11-04 11:02:50 UTC
Bleach and Oxyclean solution (JUST NOT AT THE SAME TIME)
wanda vazquez
2007-11-04 08:27:44 UTC
you put some clorox with water mix in a bottle and spray.
2007-11-03 21:45:07 UTC
It puts the lotion on it's skin, otherwise it gets the hose again
carissa r
2007-11-03 15:41:28 UTC
2007-11-05 12:28:47 UTC
get a new door!!!!! if it has mold on it the go and buy a new one
2007-11-04 19:39:16 UTC
I use bleach and it does a very good job too.
Avery M
2007-11-04 11:21:15 UTC
try scrubing with a scratch sponge
2007-11-04 02:29:11 UTC
Use 409.
2007-11-04 10:50:13 UTC
bleach is best if you have paint that will come off then try softscrub
2007-11-04 08:12:30 UTC
Scream at it really loud and wave your arms at it! Works for me!
2007-11-03 11:41:09 UTC
Bleach water.
2007-11-03 10:54:08 UTC
wipe with sulphuric acid you'll definitely get the mold off with that, but you may lose some of your flesh.
jim w
2007-11-04 06:23:37 UTC
use a prmer called killz
2007-11-04 08:29:01 UTC

There is also a spray that you can use, but, I do not know the

2007-11-03 19:22:26 UTC
paint over it
2007-11-03 17:45:42 UTC
um use this stuff called lime away or green goopy stuff or maybe rust remover might wrk?
2007-11-03 08:10:24 UTC
I would get rid of mold with bleach, it kills mold. Then repaint if you have too! Good Luck!
2007-11-03 01:32:58 UTC
try some vinegar in a small spray bottle,soak area in vinegar and gently rub with a soft cloth,perhaps do this a couple of times a day.hope it works
ayman a
2007-11-05 07:49:12 UTC
paint it er
hotty girl
2007-11-04 17:06:04 UTC
scrubbing bubles or a spray of windex
2007-11-03 05:41:26 UTC
Vinegar and Water!

Kills germs and gentle cleaner.
Del W
2007-11-05 11:57:49 UTC
how much football players make
2007-11-04 13:49:34 UTC
vinegar & warm water
2007-11-05 08:01:36 UTC
bleach and warm water.
2007-11-04 16:56:06 UTC
Bleach and water will do it
Carson H
2007-11-05 04:14:22 UTC
get saop and rud it off
2007-11-05 11:03:14 UTC
exit-mould and let it soak
2007-11-05 14:08:44 UTC
flamethrower always works for me.
2007-11-04 19:14:22 UTC

titus pullo!
2007-11-03 12:22:09 UTC
buy a new bathroom door.
2007-11-03 08:58:07 UTC
Just bleach and water.
lady $horty
2007-11-05 09:16:34 UTC
just use some bleach
2007-11-04 01:34:15 UTC
move to a new house
2007-11-03 19:59:15 UTC
bleach water,
2007-11-03 13:11:36 UTC
just take it off and paint it back :D
2007-11-03 10:37:46 UTC
bleach. that black stuff is mold. DON'T breathe it in or touch it, you will get sick.
2007-11-02 21:29:54 UTC
replace the door
2007-11-03 12:23:15 UTC
2007-11-03 08:30:03 UTC
I'd get it tested to make sure it is not "BLACK MOULD"

BLACK MOULD is very bad....
2007-11-03 01:51:44 UTC
Buy a special spray
2007-11-04 17:15:01 UTC
mike j
2007-11-04 16:09:04 UTC
2007-11-05 02:46:36 UTC
Clorox will do it
2007-11-04 14:13:45 UTC
um....idk how 2 do that sry
2007-11-02 21:08:07 UTC
Try vinegar.
2007-11-04 22:54:56 UTC
try bleach
2007-11-04 02:00:08 UTC
2007-11-03 07:19:42 UTC
spray bleach, but don't scrub, it will disappear and then rinse with water.
Ashlie P
2007-11-03 06:01:09 UTC
you can use a mold remover like moldX.
2007-11-02 21:34:20 UTC
replace the door
2007-11-03 15:08:36 UTC
try grease lightning it usually works
2007-11-04 06:24:56 UTC
use baking soda
chris f
2007-11-05 14:49:00 UTC
Bleach!! :)
Troy P
2007-11-04 17:18:08 UTC
2007-11-03 15:46:30 UTC
Cilit bang!
2007-11-03 11:50:07 UTC
2007-11-02 15:03:13 UTC
you probably won't be able to save the paint...

talk to your landlord about what to do...

once you get it cleaned up and taken care of to prevent mold growing again, use vents dry walls with a towel or fan...

Even if it's cold you should try to open windows at least an hour a day to air out the house..

Mold can cause health issues so get it taken care of.
Dusty. (:
2007-11-04 18:29:20 UTC
hav u yused 4oh9???
Joey Michaels
2007-11-04 05:59:53 UTC
2007-11-02 19:06:44 UTC
I have used bleach and it worked. First try it on a painted surfact that no one can see. i had mold on the walls in my closet and it was flat paint and the bleach worked
emma s
2007-11-03 14:56:55 UTC
use mean greeen
2007-11-05 14:44:21 UTC
lime away!
chelsie a
2007-11-05 09:42:22 UTC
2007-11-03 17:58:44 UTC
tilex my friend tilex
2007-11-02 23:36:45 UTC
bleach andwarm water.......just a little...
annisa a
2007-11-05 07:28:37 UTC
2007-11-02 16:59:30 UTC
Clorox clean-up should be safe for your paint and has of course bleach in that will KILL the mold!
2007-11-05 10:08:12 UTC
yea jest use a sponge to scrub it off it's not rocket science Duh
2007-11-04 17:11:42 UTC
2007-11-04 05:13:40 UTC
try acetone
sambasivan s
2007-11-03 01:06:50 UTC
don't worry. relax. repaint and then hang the things u want to.
2007-11-02 19:53:04 UTC
Isopropyl alcohol. Rubbing alcohol. I use it for all hard surfaces. I got the idea from those little packets they dole out at the library for cleaning computer monitors, a little towelette. It's much less expensive buying it by the bottle. Apply it to a paper towel and wipe gently. For painted surfaces, use the 70%. For glass and polyurethaned surfaces, the 90% works better. It is a perfect solvent and it dries instantaneously, leaving no streaks or residue.
2007-11-05 04:49:58 UTC
I will tell has it is NO!!!!!
niddlie diddle
2007-11-03 15:10:00 UTC
2007-11-03 05:45:35 UTC
oops ok!
2007-11-03 02:19:22 UTC
Good question, really great answers.
2007-11-02 22:21:25 UTC
Just lick it.
2007-11-02 20:27:45 UTC
2007-11-02 19:51:17 UTC
Tilex works for me as well and it has never harmed my paint. In the kids room I use the bleach wipes they take the mold right off the window frames and the outdoor yard toys.
2007-11-02 19:07:02 UTC
Many people are allergic to bleach so don't use it ever. I am one of them. I would use ammonia in a spray bottle. Also baking soda and vinegar scrubs are less harsh on people, but might ruin the paint. More than likely your paint is already ruined by the mold it grows it's roots in things ans destroyers them. You might have to repaint once you kill the mold. You can get special mold resistant paint.
2007-11-02 19:50:23 UTC
The icky black mold is super dangerous. spray the area with bleach wipe it off and then repaint with kilz. we had to do it to our ceiling and it still hasn't grown back (it was 6 years ago)
this account is no longer in use
2007-11-02 19:22:28 UTC
sugersoap its the best to lean doors,walls they use it to clean walls before they paint so it will not take the paint of it will really clean your doors,walls
2007-11-02 14:40:09 UTC
Bleach/water combo and a Mr. Clean pad. Awesome!!
2007-11-02 19:33:00 UTC
spray it with bleach then after 1 hr wip down with water
2007-11-02 19:23:12 UTC
spray a mixture of bleach and water on it,let it sit for several minutes,then wipe off with clean damp cloth,keeping cloth rinsed & clean.
Ismael V
2007-11-02 19:15:06 UTC
use clorox bleach and a terry towel
Smart Guy
2007-11-03 09:16:36 UTC
by cleaning it !?!?!?!?!/!/!/1
2007-11-02 19:53:57 UTC
use nitric acid.
2007-11-02 19:15:02 UTC
get another door. simple. any time you get mold, remove that area completely.
Connie A
2007-11-02 12:36:13 UTC
Tilex Mildew remover. Just spray it on and leave it for a few minutes and the mildew should be gone. I use it all the time for my bathroom and I don't even have to scrub.
2007-11-02 12:35:33 UTC
I had to use a product called Killz in the paint section to kill the growth and spread. Then I had to paint over the mess. Mold is a bad, bad thing. You really want it out of your house!
2007-11-05 08:42:25 UTC
why too many answers???????



















2007-11-02 19:49:14 UTC
easy paint over it
2007-11-02 15:33:51 UTC
Change the paint to new one.
2007-11-02 13:19:44 UTC
good ole bleach...
2007-11-02 13:11:13 UTC
bleach and water mixture
2007-11-02 12:51:38 UTC
Bleach and a lot of water, make a week solution and try it before you continue.
Katrice G
2007-11-02 12:41:15 UTC
well just use bleach that's it sometimes u don't even have to wipe it.
2007-11-02 12:38:32 UTC
there is a thing at a hardware store that removes it if not then talk to the manager!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.