"Organic" Alternative to Febreze?
Aaron W
2013-01-11 18:23:39 UTC
I started playing lacrosse a few weeks ago, and within a few days my gear started smelling bad. I asked my mom to buy me some Febreze, to which she responded that Febreze could cause cancer if you spray it on the gear and leave it against your pores, and that she would find something else.

Four months later, my gear smells awful.

So please, if any of you could supply a website where I could order some alternative, it would be greatly appreciated.
Five answers:
2013-01-14 22:14:50 UTC
Wipe your sports gear down with undiluted white vinegar. Once the vinegar smell dissipates, the other odors will be gone, too. Naturally, you'll need to repeat this whenever needed.

Vinegar is so natural and organic you could put it on a salad and eat it! In fact, people do. :)

Hope this helps.

2016-12-17 13:18:48 UTC
Febreze Alternative
2015-08-14 21:11:16 UTC
This Site Might Help You.


"Organic" Alternative to Febreze?

I started playing lacrosse a few weeks ago, and within a few days my gear started smelling bad. I asked my mom to buy me some Febreze, to which she responded that Febreze could cause cancer if you spray it on the gear and leave it against your pores, and that she would find something else.

2013-01-11 18:36:57 UTC
Febreeze absolutely doesn't cause cancer, but it really only works for mild odors anyway. Try activated charcoal, which is made of burnt wood. It's organic and even safe enough to use in a fish tank. You buy it at a pet- supplies store. You need to put the charcoal into a sealed container with the smelly gear. It could be just a trash bag with enough room for air to circulate around the items. Make packet of charcoal with old socks... just fill them up and tie them closed. Then close up the container and wait a few days.

If it's something washable, you can use and enzyme spray which you also find at a pet-supplies store. It's used to remove pet stains and odors but it works on any biological matter like blood or sweat. Make sure to read the directions because it only works if it stays wet long enough to work. Nature's Miracle is the brand I use.
2016-03-15 09:02:00 UTC
Check out the "Back to Basics" toy catalog. Not sure if they have a website, but they have all of the classic toys from the 30's on up, things you can't buy in stores any longer. Science kits are good too, it will teach them something while they're having fun. Our 11 year old nephew got a gel Ant farm we paid $12 for from us last year and it was his favorite gift. Think of something to get their creativity going.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.