Your best bet is first to hire a professional exterminator. However, sometimes even an exterminator cannot get rid of bed bugs. If the exterminator fails or if you cannot afford an exterminator, you can get rid of the bed bugs with baking soda.
Buy about 10 boxes of baking soda. And you'll need more later. You might want to buy in bulk. This site seems to be reasonable:
Costco usually carries large bags of baking soda, too.
Start with one room at a time...maybe your bedroom.
1. Vacuum. Then sprinkle the baking soda everywhere on the floor. Make sure you put a good coating around and under the bed. Spread the baking soda with a broom, so you have a fairly even coating. Just leave the baking soda on the floor. Do not vacuum.
2. Remove all sheets and comforters. Wash these in detergent and Hot water. Dry thoroughly.
3. Vacuum the bed extremely well.
4. If you can afford to replace the mattress, replace it. If not, buy a bed bug mattress cover, like these:,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&fp=e9b38bf81a00f83f&bpcl=40096503&biw=819&bih=508
I'm sure you can find these at Walmart and Kmart if you'd rather not buy on line.
Sprinkle baking soda directly on your mattress before putting the mattress cover on. Make sure you flip the mattress in order to coat both sides with baking soda. Also use a generous amount of baking soda at the edges and in creases. Bed Bugs love the creases at the edges of the mattress. After coating with baking soda, you then put the mattress cover on and just leave it not remove it for a year.
5. Wrap duct tape or Gorilla Tape around the bed legs STICKY SIDE OUT. This way the bugs will get stuck trying to get to you. Another alternative is to buy some peel and stick tiles and place the feet of your bed on these. (Place a little square of paper towel directly under the feet of the bed to keep the feet from sticking to the tiles.) Place the tiles sticky-side up, so the bugs will get stuck on the tiles. Change the tape or tiles as needed.
Alternatively you can place the feet of your bed in bed bugs traps, such as these:
6. Pull the bed away from the wall so that it does not touch.
7. Remake the bed, but never allow sheets or comforters to touch the floor.
After a week, vacuum the floors and re-apply the baking soda. (Just leave the mattress covers on.)
Treat all bedrooms this way. Also treat any room that you suspect harbors bed bugs. Treat for a full year. Yes, a year! Bed bugs are extremely hardy and it will take a full year of all out war to get rid of them.
Yes, your bedrooms will look a little funny with baking soda all over the floors, but it beats the alternative.
I would use baking soda, as opposed to Diatomaceous Earth (DE). Yes, DE works, but DE also cuts lungs in both people and pets, so it's dangerous. Baking soda is gentle on people and pets but will kill the bed bugs.
I would also use baking soda as opposed to Borax. Borax is a poison that is harmful to people and pets. Plus it has been banned in many countries.
Good luck.